M&R Squeegee Floodbar Air Clamps (2024)

× Bidding has ended on this item.

"); if (!$(this).is(":visible")) { $(this).fadeTo(1000, 1, function () { $(this).slideDown(500); }); } }); } if (data.Accepted) { //prepare success system message systemMessage = "

×" + contextMessageDictionary["ActionSuccess"] + "

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'; $(".detail__context-menu").append(feedbackHtml).show(); jslog("feedback button rendered for line item #" + data.LineItemID); } } } else { //ReasonString is populated, prepare a Negative System message if (contextMessageDictionary[data.ReasonString]) { systemMessage = "

×" + contextMessageDictionary[data.ReasonString] + "

"; } else { systemMessage = "

×" + data.ReasonString + "

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×" + contextMessageDictionary[data.ReasonString] + "

"; } else { systemMessage = "

×" + data.ReasonString + "

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' + '' + '' + '' + '' + '' + '' + 'Contact Seller' + '' + '' + '

'; $(".detail__context-menu").append(contactSellerHtml).show(); jslog("contact button rendered for line item #" + data.LineItemID); } //render feedback button if (true) { var feedbackUrl = '/Account/SubmitFeedback?LineItemID=REPLACELINEITEMID&ListingID=486133&Receiver=SPX' .replace("REPLACELINEITEMID", data.LineItemID); var feedbackHtml = '

' + '' + '' + '' + '' + '' + '' + 'Feedback' + '' + '' + '

'; $(".detail__context-menu").append(feedbackHtml).show(); jslog("feedback button rendered for line item #" + data.LineItemID); } } } }); $(".GoToPrevLot").on("click", function () { var thisLotOrder = 6; var lastLotOrder = 28; if (thisLotOrder > 0) { $(".GoToPrevLot").prop("disabled", true); $.post("/RealTime/GetLotIdByLotOrder", { eventId: 485133, lotOrder: (thisLotOrder - 1) }) .done(function (data) { if (data.LotId) { window.location.href = "/Event/LotDetails" + "/" + data.LotId; } }); } }); $(".GoToNextLot").on("click", function () { var thisLotOrder = 6; var lastLotOrder = 28; if (thisLotOrder < lastLotOrder) { $(".GoToNextLot").prop("disabled", true); $.post("/RealTime/GetLotIdByLotOrder", { eventId: 485133, lotOrder: (thisLotOrder + 1) }) .done(function (data) { console.log("next lot result: ", data); if (data.LotId) { window.location.href = "/Event/LotDetails" + "/" + data.LotId; } }); } }); $(document).on("SignalR_UpdateInvoiceStatus", function (event, data) { if ($.inArray(data.ListingID, interestingListings) < 0) return; jslog("SignalR_UpdateInvoiceStatus (listing, invoice, status, payer): " + data.ListingID + ", " + data.InvoiceID + ", " + data.InvoiceStatus + ", " + data.InvoicePayerUN); //show "View Invoice" or "Checkout" button if applicable if (data.InvoicePayerUN == aweUserName) { //get result of /RealTime/IsInvoicePayable?invoiceId=nnnnnn var promise = Proxy.invokeAsync("IsInvoicePayable", { invoiceId: data.InvoiceID }, function(result) { var checkoutUrl = 'https://auctiondiy.com/Account/Invoice/' + data.InvoiceID; checkoutUrl += '?returnUrl=%2fEvent%2fLotDetails%2f486132%2fMR-Squeegee-Floodbar-Air-Clamps'; if (result.isPayable) { //invoice is payable if (autoCheckoutForBuyNow) { window.location = checkoutUrl; } if ($("a.btn__detail__checkout").length == 0) { //render checkout button if one does not already exist var checkoutHtml = '

' + '' + '' + '' + '' + '' + '' + 'Checkout' + '' + '' + '

'; $(".detail__context-menu").prepend(checkoutHtml).show(); jslog("checkout button rendered for invoice #" + data.InvoiceID); } } else { //the invoice is not payable, so instead of 'checkout' button, render 'view invoice' button if one does not already exist if ($("a.btn__detail__invoices").length == 0) { var viewInvoiceHtml = '

' + '' + '' + '' + '' + '' + '' + 'View Invoice' + '' + '' + '

'; $(".detail__context-menu").append(viewInvoiceHtml).show(); jslog("view invoice button rendered for invoice #" + data.InvoiceID); } } //only render the contact and/or feedback buttons if either // a) the web.config setting HighlightCheckoutButtonForBuyNow is set to False, or // b) the invoice is not payable if (!highlightCheckoutButtonForBuyNow || !result.isPayable) { //render contact seller button if one does not already exist if (true && $("a.btn__detail__contactuser").length == 0) { var contactSellerUrl = '/Account/SendListingMessage?receiver=SPX&template=ask_listing_question&listingID=486133&returnUrl=%2FEvent%2FLotDetails%2F486132%2FMR-Squeegee-Floodbar-Air-Clamps'; var contactSellerHtml = '

' + '' + '' + '' + '' + '' + '' + 'Contact Seller' + '' + '' + '

'; $(".detail__context-menu").append(contactSellerHtml).show(); jslog("contact button rendered for invoice #" + data.InvoiceID); } //render feedback button if (true) { var feedbackUrl = '/Account/SubmitFeedback?LineItemID=REPLACELINEITEMID&ListingID=486133&Receiver=SPX' .replace("REPLACELINEITEMID", data.LineItemID); var feedbackHtml = '

' + '' + '' + '' + '' + '' + '' + 'Feedback' + '' + '' + '

'; $(".detail__context-menu").append(feedbackHtml).show(); jslog("feedback button rendered for invoice #" + data.InvoiceID); } } }, function(error) { jslog("Error retrieving invoice status (1): " + error); } ); promise.fail(function (jqXHR, textStatus) { jslog("Error retrieving invoice status (2): " + textStatus); }); } }); });

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' + '' + 'RE:' + '' + '' + '

' + '' + '

' + 'Maximum 250 characters' + '' + '(remaining:)' + '' + '

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M&R Squeegee Floodbar Air Clamps (2024)


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Article information

Author: Msgr. Benton Quitzon

Last Updated:

Views: 5744

Rating: 4.2 / 5 (43 voted)

Reviews: 90% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Msgr. Benton Quitzon

Birthday: 2001-08-13

Address: 96487 Kris Cliff, Teresiafurt, WI 95201

Phone: +9418513585781

Job: Senior Designer

Hobby: Calligraphy, Rowing, Vacation, Geocaching, Web surfing, Electronics, Electronics

Introduction: My name is Msgr. Benton Quitzon, I am a comfortable, charming, thankful, happy, adventurous, handsome, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.