The Times-Picayune from New Orleans, Louisiana (2024)

Idt of Vessel le sro fr New Orleans. ariactes fcr ths Daily Pkcsynne, April 15. lie. 'COISTWIIC PORTS HEW IDSA. sia April Gadd April I a a Cotfnecticut.

elch eli ajar 31 CpriUa. Chaae c)d April art Maeppe. Jerria April 4 ark Hiawalb, Hall. id April 1 cid APm BOSTON April 1 afe Auetrsiia, oiaim. smiaado.

Jordan eld Mars SI Sevcnne, Robinson EiSestinel. Soule Kile. marxo eld Mar4 Mar 2ft eld Maris ranees. Drinkwater IZ Seaaington. Mar 11 aid Mar 4 LaSersnipore, Bow dm SiBa Johnaon Mars Mar 1 April 4 tat Lacy.

seaaing SaafanWLind. Coffin eld April 3 final Ware. Hardy am Mar mRSBhtt Race eld Mar as Andrew Mandereon. Henderson April 8 rHILADELPHIA. arl Trnitt.

Scull eld War 31 Foultnry. Con act eld Mar 7 Washington Botcher. Collina eld Mar David 8 Brown. Sumner. aid Mar 17 Crawford, Mar 19 eld April 3 Mar to sat Fade Sam.

Cole eld April SAVANNAH. mt Lucy Ann, Keller eld Maria WILMINGTON, (N. C) umrSA Sidney Price. Gendy tld So i BATH. (Ml) Western Ocean, (new) Taylor aid Mar 37 Etllpoalet Gtweiey ad reb 13 xsamLemont.

(new SlUby sld Jan 47 unrxLAM 1. (Me. 1 aatOurrnion, (new) Fisk ZttM Ugraham. Hewea eld MurJS Mar id Feb I aWrt Wavertey. (newlCurtia eld Mar J9 I POkT, (Mass.) jhtj Iadus, (aew) aaapp fOIIION PORTS.

UYERFOOL. a. Jar Hobnea. Bfaawn SJ CneseeUor. Stetson rlliijirar Camming.

aid Jan 91 Jan 14 aid FebT aid Feb 10 Feb 11 Feb 1 Feb 21 FebiO Feb 1 aid Feb 19 Feb 24 aid Feb 25 Feb 28 Feb 29 Feb 29 aid Feb 29 Mar 7 iliaaa, Mcxerson aZ Haaawath, Uoane Safarat Sn.Hayea 7Zj io 6rT iKiaatfmere Sioarhec. Patten kw Veasie eld Mar 6 i iMMbaanaTK FebS9 nvr aid Frh i aid Mar lO riar is JJiuaatta Bentkey. Borden an roa. gannenima MaanQ.aeen. Mar 11 Mar 21 Mar 13 Feb Si' Mar I Feb Feb 11 aid Feb Feb 1 Feb 16 ajkOceaa.

lALferangT NWgagflSWSiV" ttjaCav, HaU Itoalddaaa fc.2w:TOM '( WaTeiY IhipUltnaanj tet lama "'JiSoc rni" aid Mai 8 aid Feb 31 aid Mar 4 Mar 12 aid Maris aid Mar 5 CIiaMaxPawifton StupAjm iaa feaxart GLASGOW. Xiakar. Cracker aaSataLaaRit ftaCnak, aid Feb a a)aa Wareler. Simpaon fey Mwra. Srart a I Saaeck, BaTaon fta nhinia Dillingham (nnw.6reeB toCawaba.

Batchelder fctUaaa. Cartia. htrl Haaririne, McCSUla. fct laratlaa, Wymaa eld Jan 1 aid Jan 11 Jan 15 aid Jan id Jan 2 i aid Jan 29 Jan 31 aid Jan 31 Feb 3 aid Feb 5 aid Feb aifinee Gordon. Babaon kTBBradie, Canr bSi Scepbanaon.

Poat aril Stewart, Woodaide at Ran. Homer aid Feb 8 aid Feb 8 eld Feb IS Feb 19 aid Feb 25 aid Mar 5 aid MaaJ Mar 6 aid Mar 12 atiaaaae aaiay. hotpot toanaaa Bird. Bird kthaay Foadick, Crabtree. ktCwaw.

Pierce bJWikcfield. Crockett aid Mar 6 itlichardaon. Lrwia Mar 9 taaliaiiina. Faraham Mar 9 kfChater Oak. Carrer.

aid Mar 9 atwtuiiaarg. Week. aldjMar 11 fcfWBtiky, aid Mar 11 arrreadtrton. Noma aid Mar 16 iaaaaaadria, Ellery aid Max 14 BORUEADJL hkwwCaraBM.Caa a Ivy Bradibrd. Tnompaon.

ataiafca, Booker aid Feb 7 Feb is Feb IS rALEILSU. kaBaAFanom. aid Mar 5 TRIESTE. FLU SHIM KOAIS. Mar 8 salacoarar.

Feb 14 aaiaa Feb IS TEJLE1. aid Feb 15 AMSTERDAM Iiataa, Beckett aid Mar 9 BELVntT (Van Hone, kmymu aid Mar 13 EREMF.BH A VFN fsiaaTMiaa. HattendorrT. aid Mar 3 Wieana, aid Mar 6 ma aid Max 6 RSnwrrrcuiTrv Trait Wind. MeCulloeh aid MarR rypPAIEs OF In (Na 1441 1 1 Camn ini ftwainr CJi JS in) bim Ftytni and AM, iraui nnaotc sot frrtenin Apply to awn.

inirr I4N Zt I FaTaMrket raa HiH ar I 4 toalaf Cnrarwiti Rank ar dh: i tines, BiuiH auu B. MXBBMLL a Camp, earner Cam mn atrvct. aENT OK SALE The Dwelling and Six nwiuugitM sua 9V rTV Carrollton. Aa a aommer residence P'ae haa few aupariora in the a J.V Ihe groonda arc ornaiOe ented with LT CMM ahrnbbery. and prod oce grapes.

aia. lam. of the finest aoalitixa and In the aao, a few bearing armnge trrea. The axteea rooma. wiin a verandah of 44 a un in the rear.

A large cittern to aotbooaea arc artacned to the pre. "arT any be had either for rent or aale ot aBawdiate applicaunn be made to 8 L. HILL. 20 Commgrciai Allow. IRAKERi is doxca nrrr soperlor.

made waa New York, in half and quarter i aaaruaiwi mnta giaaa JJfanbji lady in thai city, Fifa, Peach aw kyrte Oraaati. Hyrtte Orango. gtwaiii Peacnaa, cans, raa, hi Jam and brandy brandy. 71 Camp atrrrt. to aeU a rfaoice article of Oty MOLASSRS.

from oor Bertnerr. in lota to raa. DEOELOS. DCRBJVE i a 8. Locda street.

TW Kmk aibaa Mill. I NEW I tm constantly Manufacturing SPI7IT PEAS. Canadian Oraia. and are areparcd to TwiTaoe ana nnrppera wnn aa artide morn 1 i aaaif karrcla, ia prime ahipnng order. Appljr Front street.

New 'Tort. Hauailti mf Wat. flartaiapf. ta conseqaeace of the death ot Mr. m.

Hankopf, hia entire stock of lanoa ma sow onered to the pnblic at the lowest prieea in arder to claae tha sacceaaioa. a uwusmaiu aacMehrated maasjbartoriea oarh aa Erard snav i sk YsCw4 Mr Hartkopf with hw aanai cars. an lass awmnwr. a WarrJtswe, Ha. 116 Sawal street, be wan Fr Male.

Te well known aad anbataatial teamen ILLZA BATTLE and EMPRESS, both in rte rsaaing sraer. will be maid on self applied for sooa. sno feet loaf orer an. 3S trrt beam, 1 fret hold. Sbe has three hoiWa 28 fort long: doable engines, of 22 laches snie, aiu oocior ana aoctor boileT, cotton.

The ttiia Bartis rer ti ifiiiaiuiftiManai ffW atanim 1 fort lone orer all. 32 feet beam, sa gl aViS." onble engines, of inch cyUn will carry lata) baleaof Alabama of good speed, and ane ac and terms appry to JOHN C. SHANNON. 'f 4C Pnhoa street. New Orleans, J5C0X, BRAIN ARX At Mobile.

IwJS'fcJS4 artng beea baraed on la tbetr saas 'aaadry sn New Lcree street. camope. have established aa office layaai Fonadry of Oeorge Benin, oppo oSLwn aa those baring biatineas with aa (nose moeoted ta tne Aral are 1 Is call and settle, aa we will need all rbsiid aad fonuaa the estab sraa K.f.. "CCAN A PATTERSON. Macbiniata aad Founders.

"asi Jsfcaa abin ItortsTk. aad ta SOOTS SHOES. Rats, caps BRO Plantations TJir sOrd DrTCHINO BOOTS. JtCS SOeANS. WOOL, MlilCANi AT WHOLXXALR.

Lsa.T" tne "'iT JRUT PRICRR vi i Mtsana LYhVii kesT mflr bases sf is, ITO JJ hrT' af aoo aVEaAmWI, Black Warrior. ESP Empire City. Windle aid Shi, Byron Sft Jlktj Sampson. Bragdan eld Mar" I Sultana. Barrett Cabinet.

Wright IS Sanahine. Pierce. IZt Mull I RaM.a. aTnk If MILLINERY. Hpriac Isoodit MliXTNCKT AND DRESS MAltla, xia noWNS has lost received Ay the laat i larritala from Enrope a large stock of 41 AIR, LICE.

tKAra AU I11UW tSUJfcl Ishorn Plata and Gi Dales for A'so. i aolendid assortment of LACE AND S1LR MANTLES, Ac, which she is prepared to acll at prices not to be anrraaaea Dy any otner nouaa in tne city. Dress nlsaing aa nauat nirno ti Snrlnff It Aitntf a. a Mn rrt. iukl' Ar and csron I streeta.

barfne been for some time engaged I in the selection of her SPRING BTUt A. prepared to ault her friends with a beaotifal 'Iipbinh nr? and arill therefore OPfcN, an MONDAT MORNING. March I7tb. sn elegant assortment of CRAPE AND STRAW BONNETS, of erery a riety of style. A 1 S.

Our Openlnc D7 Mra. O. W. ROPER. No.

r7ar' seen Carondelet ana nfonn tne lasn a tua luc Tort anrnine a rplenam aaaortmen ai RliH MXLLINEKY OOODS, Silk Bonnets, Vetret Bonneta, Satin and Ptnah Bonneta. Ribbons. Featnere. flowers. Lace Veils.

Dress Trimmlnaa. Ac. wrhOh afra. R. reanectfnily Inyitea the ladies and the country payers to call ana examine nil ti iUillinrry aiad Ureas AlaUUBS Sr Canal street.

Dp Stairs. nKS. u. niinuUTH, wonia re fapectfully inform her cnatoinera that ahe I now receinng an entire stock of ne' VLlo" tne above line, comprising an wawSS rt mjn r.uli M.HM'.nH ThiMr. VELVET.

SATIN. SILK AND STRAW BONNETS. Toeetber with a larae variety of MANTILLAS of the Terr best quality and latest Parisian style, all of which hare pern carefully selected by herself during the past summer, and to which ahe respectfully caila the attention of the ladies jrene. aily. SaT ParUcular attention cireh ta all orders lor Dress Making.

Ate. ns tf CLOAK MOUSiK. CRAPE SHAWLS, SILKS. FRENCH BONNETS AND EMBROIDERIES. Canal street 144 THIS establUhment ia already known, ta be a Ladles A General Furnishing Store, the cheapest and only Cloak Factory In the city, where ladies can find an on limited assortment oT Cloaks and Mantillas, in all styles ana aii pneea.

wisn to suggest to our customers, ana iibuici, luiuiuk iu lire uiu uuymi iui iwaiaxiii friends, that by calling here before they purchase at i other place, they will not be limited to any style or price. Cloaks, embroidered and plain for ladies and miaaeai SO Crane Sbawla at half the usual price a general aasort mrnt oi laaies ureas uoodi; new style suss in all snaaas; 10 cases of French Bonnets for ladies and misses Velvets and ladies' Cloaking Cloths in all shades a general assort ment of Embroideries, new style; Rachel's Collarettes, Victorines and Collars: rich alenciennea. Thread, and Guipure Lacee rich Lace Veils a general assortment of Kuanan rare, opera fur Cloaks, ictonnes and inns ladies' Embroidered Under Skirts. Bridal Veils and Wed dine Dresses: infants' Long Closks. Embroidered Robes and Hoods: a eeneral assortment of Ribbons and Hosiery: ladies' fancy Card Cases, RetK nles, Bhell Combs and Forte Monnaies: ladies' Long Shawls.

As oor assortment of Trimmings for Cloaks and Dresses is the largest and most fashionable In the city, by calling here Uvlies will be sure to find every style of trimming made or worn and as we are selline French Bonneta and Embroidesies. as well as several oiuerarxicira. on commpaioa, we wiu sen lorn the manfacturers' prices. There ia nothing In Ladiea Fancy Goods that we do not aeU they are too numerous to mention. liberal discount will be made to merchants bnvlca ttisass oy toe a oxen st tne liwi ractory oi Bis om u.

fc. riLljA.T, 144 uanai street. GAS FIXTURES. Cm Fixtures. 8E0.

ALLAN, iv; CAMP STREET, Next to the Odd Fellows' HalL WOULD respecfnlly inform my old friends and the I public generally that I have on hand and will be con stantly receiving large invoices of GAS FIXTURES and CH A. UELltKS of ail descriptions sna tne latest styles. I will enrage to fulfill all orders entrusted to my care in the best and neateat manner. Also, particular attention given to fitting up Gas Fixtures In Private Dwellings. an ti t.

At. lais. II. CJulld, Baa Fitter and Brass Founder. HAYING removed from 2o6 St.

Charles street to 814. between trod and Julia streets, ahop in the rear on St. Mary street, where be is prepared to execute all orders In his line with neatness and despatch. Gas Fixtures cleaned and repaired. Brass work of every description made to order.

Composition Spikes of all sixes, and Spelter Solder. Cash paid for old copper and brass. Jell tf lias Fixture. OCHMICHAVN At LOEFFLER. No.

141 Chart res street. RESPECTFULLY Inform their friends and the public senerallv that thev have and are constantlv receivin large invoices of the latest patterns of 6aa Chandeliers and Fixtures, of all descriptions They will guarantee to fulnd all work entrusted to their care in the best and neatest manner. Particalar attention given to fitting np Gas Fixtures la private dwellings. i ney are aiao agents tor xviaaer uaa Befmaxora. JysV ly 1UO UOO t'oplca Sold.

LLOYD'S GREAT STEAMBOAT WORR Will be ready immediately. CONTENTS First Application of Steam. Life of John Fitch Engraving of his first boat. Life of Robert Fulton Engraving of hia first American boat on the Hudson rlver. Robert Fulton and Livingston's Fret Orio River boat Correct likeness foil particulars.

Latrobe's Frat Boat. First SreubenviUe Boat First Explosion on tsu Western Waters From aa eye sritness. Mans of tne Western VT sears Towns, cities and distances laid down correctly. List ot Seteamboat Explosions since ISIS Names of killed and wounded list of steamboats now afloat. Correct Viewa of Piubnrg.

Wheeling, Cincinnati, Louis rille, St Louis and New Orleans In IMS; sketch of each place population, business. Ac. Put time of Boats on the Ohio and Misaiarrppl rivers. List of Steamboat Officers on the Western sters. The New Steamboat Law.

with Comments Life Boats. Disasters on the Lakes Names of lort, klUed and wounded. Tb. High Water In lwn, ins and 147. List of Plantations on the Mississippi river.

Important Caited States Supreme Court Steamboat Decisions Bar Three Hundred Pages, with One Hundred Engravings, bandaomery bound. By remitting ONE DOLLAR (post paid 1 yon will receive a copy of the above work. as? Orders from the trade solicited, and Agents wanted In every town and city to canvass for the work. Address JAS. LLOYD 4t n4 tf Post Office Buildings.

Cincinnati. Ohio. Aurtles Niotlee. TH subscriber respectfully informs his friends and the public that, having resumed hia old business as Aoc tfooeer and Appraiser, he haa taken an orhce at No. 33 Camp street.

He will stteni, the sale of Real Estate, Stocks. Negroes. Ac. for Administrators. Assisneea and others, according to law.

He will also give prompt aad personal attention to ail out door sales af every description. A register will be kept open for the entry of all the real estate aad lands he may have for aale. rither on private terma or at pnblic auction. Every facility in his power will be offered to buyers and sellers of real estate. A practical draughtsman and plan drawer will be In constant attendance at this office.

With the assurance that he win give strict attention to his business in all its details, he trusts that he will receive a akare of pebiic patron are. vdxnj. uie. Auctioneer, oil tf Office No. S3 Caxap'street.

Private ttavwiw far II air and Whisker Dyeing. Fitting on bigs and Tsupees. JO. BERMEL ha ring removed his Shaving aad Hair Cutting Saloon and Whig Manufactory from one side of the Portico to the other under the St. Charles Hotel, in for na hia customer! and the public la general that be haa made such Improvements In fitting up hia new eatahllan ment as ta render it well worthy af patronage.

Tne rnrSjt polite and best workmen are to be found. Special atteatioo given to fashionable Hair Cutting To 8peealatora and Settlers. GREAT BARGAINS IN TEXAS LANDS. WE offer the following Lands situated in San Patricio county, Texas, very law for cash or La exchange for aesToes. real estate or goods, vis 67 i acres located on the San Curtstoval Valley, 4 (S.lOs 4.

81.9A4 1 8. SO 4.160 4vt28 1, 433 847 aoo Nueces River aad Bay. Aransas River and Bay. Rio Frio or Cold River. Puenta de ia Piedra Creek.

Lapara Creek. Chiltipia Crees. Pooitola Creek. Aquitas Creek. Medisfreek.

In Milan District, on the Pslnxy. In Brazoria Mustang Skrogn. 10 sold. 133.14S unsold. These lands are rich, wen watered and thai pasaed for grazing.

They have been surveyed aad as above, and ariU be sold In tracts to suit purchase rs. and map showing the location of each and every tract can be seen by application to the undersigned. Titles fully guaranteed. Apply ta C. F.

HATCHER. 146 Grarier at, or so Msrsxine st New Orleans, orto J. Id. SMOOT, dig ly Alton. Denton county.

Texas. Agents. tiistbiy InpsrtRBt Diseovery. A NEW NATIONAL L1UCOR. WTLD GXJPE BXJyVK TO THE FCBLIC A distiller of this city, after no.

meroos minute researches and experiments, baa sue reeded ia manufacturing a liquor from a product of the Southern ami. which he confidently offers to the public, as preferable to the brandies ordinarily to be procured ia taia market. This liquor invigorates the weak and inspirits the strong, and aa It can always be procured pore and unadulterated'. It ia certain soon to become a general favorite. The Inventor spared no sacrifices to at feu hia object, and the testimony of most competent judges assiun him that he haa achieved a full success.

He is already indebted to this community for previous encouragement, aad there fore relies upon tiiem with confidence for a fair trial aad tun appreciation of aus new hatiual liui ok. Depot at A. G1RAL1 Do. mh2S 3m 44 Old Levee street. arieuea Theatre of ew Orlestns for Rent THE above named eatahuahment.

with Its stack of Scenery. Wardrobe, Properties, Music, etc. at now offered for rent; possession to be given at the dose of the Present theatrical season or on the 1st of October next. The Theatre with all its appurtenances is new. furnish ed throughout in the most elegant style, seats about 1200 persons, snd has beea Justly pronooBced the most beautiful earsblishment of the kind in the country.

Proposals will be received until tne 15th May next, aad aatiatactory security will be required for the payment of the rent. Address CHAS. M. WaTEKMaS'. President La VarieU statu iatlnn GEO.

S. MANDEVILLE, Secretary. mhwW 1m Bat New York Spirit of the Times wOl copy the above advertisem*nt one month and aead bill ta this office. Trsmks and Csurpet Basts. av SI.

BALER, No. S3 Canal aad 1 JJL1 'J Tcbonprtonlas xoent of Sole I urn i sMTcnooprtouiaa street. srrtrv iinTinK sm nj lanrest aas richest Leather. Hog aad Hi Leather, Iron aa 1 Wood Frame, Ladies aad Gentlemen Traveling and Packing Trunks. Carpet Bags and sieves, af every descnptMSx, pace aad axes, ever offered try say dewier (m the saarket before.

Purchasers favoring a awl (Soothers) industry snd ejxrrwrise. will nad it to tnelr ta exaauaa aoc uiesnaereva ass jioii iiswua ne as my goods are suitable aad say prices mnderat. 1 L. StoAT CAPS OMBSXLLAR Ass. Trunks usairss.

Uollatad iHm. A HCHOR BRAND. Bsupenar susiity. ta pipes, la Cas ix turn Da iisi stares. WARNEREN At KIRCHHOPT.

so Caruairirt atxewt rz9 sas IRON WORKS. B.T.R.Bn., ORLEANS OrnameBtal Iron Works. The ondersigned beg leave to inform the nnhlle and builders generally, that they are manufac turing aii aiuuaoi Architectural ana ouildinr iron Work, at Noa. SA and 67 Circus ett aneh aa di a vrrauuaua, ouuuera. Bare and Hans Doors, Stralgtil ana circular stairs, iron Bridges, Roots, Ac They keep constantly on hand Cast and Wrought Iron Columna, Ventilators sud Sash Weighta, Ac; aud fill all orders of every description of Castings, Columns, Store on nuuwc jriwuia, WHO ucspatCU.

olft ly "BENNETT CO. J. Slmonds. James Macbinson. J.

8. Klmonds fc comer of Caatomhonse and Levee streets, COPPER. TIN AN I) SHEET IRON WORKERS, BRASS FINISHERS. AND WORKERS IN GAI.V AN IKF.n IRON. Manufacturers nf every description of Plants host.

Mill and Rehnery Brass, copper mn nrk sntly keep on band a complete assort rnusht Iron Pipe. Tees and Elbows. Brass Flanges and Oas Valves, Cylinder, Bihb and Stop i a. 1 i WIU, OlCBDl 111. 1 1,.

uiiu I In 1 Ulllv, Steam Pumps, Pome' Magazines. Porch Baskets, Rubber Hose, Cast and Sheet Iron Cooking and Heatinf Stores, (womtnon ana nauisucu nuwarc, avc Workers in Galvanised Iron. They will pay particular attention to all Plantation and Steamboat orders, and execute the work in the best style of the art. They employ the most skillful workmen, and hope, by win i aiieaimu, to mem tne patronage of tne puoic. rnhmtfH iMerlllo Iroai Pine VVama.

lfKRDll. a I li iT'dl i.a Vwfc il Mannfactnrers and' Dealers In ROUGHT IRON PIPES, FITTINGS. TOOLS, and every description of rianKu counectea wnn steam, mater ana as, tor heating and lighting Steamers. Churches, Hotels, Private Dwellings, Hospitals, Asylums, Villages, Factories aad Also, Valves, co*cks, Pumps, Gauges, Boilers and Bailer Flues made to order. Our Screw Cutting Machines are entirely new.

and onr own Patent warranted to do double the work of any other invention. Orders solicited from all sections of the country, and promptly attended to. nn ly Belleville iron Works. Alariera. COOK A FALLON Iron rounders, and Mana factnrers of Steam Engines.

Sugar Mills. Vacuum Fans. Cotton Presses. Saw Mills, Draining Ma cuinea, ana oi every aeecnption. iron and Brass Castines made to order.

8teamboat Cotton Press, Railroad and Plantation work executed with care and the utmost despatch. Metallic and Composition Packing for Steam Cylinders, of all kinds, made to order at the shortest notice. Grate Bars of various patterns snd styles: Stirrups. Flange Bolts. Ac.

constantly on hand. Iron Fronts and Builders' Castings furnished with despatch ana tne pest pioie style. iy Lilker llsmra Successor to Homes A Bennett. Foundry and Ornamental Iron Works, corner of Benton ana r.upnrosine streets. Office.

No. 10t St. Charles street. Manufactures the latest and moat approved pat terns of Railings, Verandahs, Doors. Shatters, Vaults, Bridges.

Straight and Circular Stairs, Store Fronts, Cspitsis, and all other kinds of work used for bulldlns purposes. BUILDERS' HARDWARE. The largest and most complete assortment ta be found in the city, for aale at the old stand. 023 ftft ly loo 8T. CHARLES STREET.

learn Boiler I'lanufactorv. 171 Baronne street, between Poydras and Hevia streeta, New Orleans. rrHE undersigned Is prepared to furnish Low Pressure, JL Locomotive. Fined and Cylinder Boilers. Also.

Claritiers, Filterers and Juire Boxes. He will also make contracts for Boilers and all the necessarv cannectioua. aucb as fire Fronts, urate Bars. Steam and stand Pipes, aires, cc. Chitnnevs and Breerhinc.

all of which will be famished at the lowest foundry prices. All work done at this establishment wi'l be guaranteed equal In point of workmanship and material to any in the city, oreisewnere. Planters and merchants are respectfully Invited to cali and examine the works snd prices. sv rrotnpt attention paid to repairs ni7 6S ly DAVID FOWLER FtaUlip Ithnm. EAULE FOUNDRY, Richmond, Viv MAWOFACTCRERS OF LOCOMOTl ENGINES, Tinders.

Railroad Cars, and all descriptions of Rail road Machinery, Stationary Engines of any required power. Portable Purines, from to 40 horse power. on wheels well adept cd to fanning purposes, getting lum per, witn improved circular rortaoie saw mnta at tached. of first, second and third clsss Mining Machin ery. Grist snd Ssw Mill Machinery, Forgings and Tobacco Factory Fixtures of every kind.

Also, Brass and Iron Castings made to order. We have been appointed Agents for the Eagle Foon dry. and are prepared to receive and execute orders for any of the above machinery. For prices and terms, aid rets WILLS, RAWLINS At CO a to tra Agents. New Orleans.

Copper Hralthlna: and Hheet Iron Work. i ne undersigned nsvmg purrnssea tne tur PER. TIN AND SHEET IRON WORR MAN UFACTORY of the late Long A alone. No. 19 Tcboopitouias street, are prepared to furnish all descriptions of work In that branch of business.

such aa Copper Pi pea. Copper Pans. Wrought Iron Clari fiers. Filters. Strain Trains.

Juice Boxes. Tanks. Iron Chimneys, Breeching for Boilers, Fire Beds, Escape Pipes, arc, ac Thev alsp keen on hand a full assortment of Brass co*cks and Couplings. Oil Cups. Oil Globes.

Globe Valves. Steam Whistles, rooght Iron Pipes. Copper and Iron Pumps, Copper and Tinware. Copper Skimmers and Ladiea. Heating and Cooking Stoves of all sizes and descriptions.

Wrought Iron Stoves for strsmboata. ships, cabooses. Ac Thev will pav particular attention to all Plantation and Steamboat orders aad execute the work in the beat style of the art They employ the mos takflrur workmen, and hope by strict attention to merit the patronage of the public MtLLttt a rUKa ALL, successors to Long A Maione, dsn rtm swTrhoopitoulaastreet. BaamiUer. H.

H. Gaodwyn. Baanalller cV Gssrlwvn. Slanurscturera iron eranoana. Balconies.

Orce Railings. Vaults. Doors and Shutters. Straigct and Circular Iron Stairs, and Builders' iron Work is gen erai. Carroll street, between Poydras and Perdido.

east of the Poydras Market. New Orleans oA AA ly llerringr'a Pateat C'hampioa Fire aad Bar gisr rrcwisoaiea. THE great Interest manifested by the public to procure more perfect security from fire for valuable papers. such aa Bonds, Mortgages, Deeds, Notes and Books ot Account, than the ordinary Safes heretofore in nse ad afforded, induced tbe subscribers to devote large nor on of time and attention during tbe past foorteen year in making Improvements and discoveries for this object, and tbey now beg leave to assure their numerous friends snd tne public general ry that taelr enorta have been rrowr.ri nth complete success, and now offer the IMPROVED HERRING'S PATENT WORLD'S FAIR PREMIUM FIRE PROOF SAFE, ss tbe Champion Safe of the world. La ring been awarded medaia at both tbe World's sir London, Imai, and in New York.

Iis3. as superior to all ot tiers. It is now undoubtedly entitled to tbst sppe'lstion. and secured with Hall's Patent Powder Proof Locki.whieb aiao was awarded Medaia as above, forma the most perfect Fire and Burglar Proof Safes eser before offered to the public The subscrlDers also msnnfacture all kinds of Boiler and Chilled iroa Bank Chests and Vaults. Vault Doors, and Money Boxes or Chests, for Brokers.

Jewelers and Private amiura, tor late, uiamonda and ot her valuables And are sis patentees (by pnrrhase) and manufacturers of JONES PATENT PERMUTATION BANK LOCK. SILAS C. HERRING A Patentees. I Green Block. 13.V 137 snd 138 Water at.

Agents In Louisiana, C. C. MILLER A rin gin 7" uravier steeet. jicw urieana Oraas aad Letnoa Tree JAMAICA Orange Trees. S.ouo Sicily Lemon Trees.

I.U0 Creole Orange Trees S.rato Havana Orange Trees. 4.ono Mespaliz Jeponiea Trees1 l.ona Malaga Lemon Trees, lnio Genoa Citron Trees. tO0 Mandarin Orange Trees. 4 variety of all kinds of Tropical Fruits aad Plants, such as Fig Bananas, red and yellow nxte Gaava Plants, Tamarinds, Ac Tne snore will be packed srjtb the utmost care. Orders sent to No.

to Camp street, ta F. NICHOLS, Importer of all kinds of Produce from toe Mediterranean. I.CMlt. TWO PROMISSORY NOTES, each rr 8125P, dated Madieonville, March S4th. itiVi.

pays i.e at one and two years, bearing interest at 8 per rent per annum, and payable st tbe Bank of Louisiana. Said notes are drawn by Lewis Morgan, in favor of ssd endorsed by Jose Co lomer. Lazard Bah am and Samuel H. Morgan, and were contained in a pocket book with some money, dropped yesterdsy afternoon in a Bayou Road omnibus. Tbe finder may keep the money if be will return the notes to the Cashier of the Bank of Louisiana! The payment has been stopped.

Ail persons are cautioned against negotiating for tbe same. mh ki ltawim Notice to Tax; Payers Within that part of the Parish of Jefferson under tbe Jurisdiction of the Police Jury. Xj OTI is hereby given to all persons, whether resident IN or non resident of tbe Parish of Jefferson, who are liable to the payment of taxes. Imposed according to law for tbe year ISM, by the Police Jury for the use of said Parish of Jefferson, that all each pariah taxes will be doe on WEDNESDAY, tbe 16tb of April, 1M66. That within thirty days thereafter tbe aafd taxes must be paid to the ondersigned Collector, at his office, in the Justice's Court, comer of Front snd Lafayette Avenue, in Gretna, in said pariah.

That the ndersigtied wIU be there for the purpose of receiving said taxes, and also aii parish taxes remaining unpaid for the preceding years, every day during the thirty days aforesaid, from 10 o'clock, A. to 3 o'clock. P. and further that at the expiration of said eelay list of the persona who shall have failed to pay the taxes doe by them, shall be drawn up by tbe undersigned Collector, whose duty it shall be. under the law, to seize aad sell property of the delinquents to pay snd satisfy the aaid taxes, with interest aad costs thereon.

L. A. VILLARS, Collector. Parish of Jefferson. February lB Vi.

Avis iui Coatribaablea De cette partie de la Paroiase de Jefferson ssjette b) Jurisdiction da Juri de Police. PAR le present svis tontes aersonnes residentes oa non residentea de la parol de Jeferson. qui sont ten ties aa paiement de taxes imposeea conformement la lot pour 1' an nee 1866. par le Juri de Police de la dite parnisae Jeffer aoo. sont north ea que lea ditrs taxes, aeront dues a daterda MERCREDI.

lAme Josr d'Avrii, 8fi. tue dans les trente Jours qui saivent le dit ltme Jour d'Avril lea dites taxes de vront etre payees sa coiiectenr aooasigne, A son burrs A la Cour da age de Palx, encaignure de la rue Front et Lafayette Avenae, A Gretna, dans Is dite paroiase. Qi'i d'y recevoli les dite taxes, le soosaigne se troavera A son bureau cheques lour pendant les trente Jours susdits depuia ben res A. Vt Jusqu'a heares P. 14.

Et qus I expiration de ce delai sac hate des personnes que aa rent pas pay les ditea taxes sera drease par le coliectear trquei proceoera conlormexaeat A lot A saisxr et a veadreH aes weua apparxenant su aesinquents pour aatwfsirv paiement de lears dites taxes, des tnteeet. et dea fraia. L. a vtr.r.xDB JeSTt WFevrler Isab. xX The tatiawtai VROOM at FOWLERS WaLNLI IL MILITARY SHAVING SOATP YS admitted by tbe thnnsanils wha have it dmrtac 1 the neat twelve years, ta annual savthine awe duced ints thai branch af tbe toilet, sad ta reader agree anie an operation asually eanatdered a bore.

The form la canvenieat, it kt agTeeably perfumed, and will aradacc a tupious and permanent lather with atbeTAard ar eoid water, leaves the akia smooth aad snc happed. None geaa tne witbaat tbe ai gnat ere, in facsxxniie, af Yap At Fowler. Trf la this city by SICKLES at aad B. FTF FET. In New York bv tbs nriaanai faacy goods saHxrasxista.

ataaatactared saty by JOHN VROOM, aaecew Vf ii ss a Fowler. Tl Caerny atreet. New York. Jaso Casserl REFTNED SHRED ISINGLASS, For Biaac Maage. Table Jeilles.

A GOOD sad Cbeas articie for Conlectioners, Hotel and Family use. Ts be aataiaed ia large or small yneeiri tles. with direction ifor aaing. of the priactpsi OfStciS sad xTuggwts uuwugasat us tianes otatea. PETER C001ZR.

tion. Steam fSV and Sheet I Wfjr Weconat ar ment off is FOR SALE. For Sole, A NEGRO AIT aged about28 years, good Meat snd n. Pastry Cook and Moose servant. Inquire at Basem*nt Office.

No. IS Carondelet street Jair tr For Male. A VERY DESIRABLE SEA SHORE RESIDENCE n. situated on a high bluff at Bay St. Louis.

Tbe improvements are extensive and In the beat order. The gardens are In a high state of cultivation, and the property 1 iui targe family residence. good purchaser Uberal credit will be riven. Apply to dll A BEARD A MAY. 8 Banks's Arcade.

a BOARDING HOUSE FOR SALE For sale on account, or tne death of the proprietor, a private Hou" in an excellent situation, complete .7 inuiaueu in every respect. Jt will be sold on moderate terma. For particulars apply on the premises, 29 Hospital Xicvec ana tnartres street, ro mh23 lm Mrs. BANKS K. Niln.

Four Hundred Negroes and Ten Thousand Acres of Cane orsse una, in uaiias ana retry counties. Ala. tbe first MONDAY in April next, (tbe 7th.) I will sen, at canawba. Dallas county. Alabnma.

to the bish est bidder, for cash, or Mobile acceptances st sixty or ninety aays. oeannr interest, line tluUKKU ririY LIKELY NEGROES. Also. FIFTY OTHERS. on longer time.

All acclimated and experienced cotton piaoiauon nanas. I will alanaell at anw Hma dnetnafrita af nriwat. sale, for ensh. or on time, TWO HUNDRED OTHER VALUABLE rvKUKOKS. in lots to suit purchasers, and TEN THOUSAN ACRES of the very best and moat ad vantageousiy aituated cane Drake and black land.

Including the nine plantations known aa tbe "Trigg Mud Hall," Sixteenth," Ring Plantation," Blevins Place," Ludlow," Lodebo," Ilolmea Place," and the cross Koass;" all or which, for cotton and corn, are in ferior to no plantations in the world. Also, an elegantly improved and beautiful RESIDENCE, adjoining Summer field eight miles from the city of Selnia. with about four uunareu acres aitaruea to it. ne dwelling Douse, oltices, out houses, grounds, Ac are all in first rate con. dition.

These plantations are 70 or no miles below the rirv of Montgomery, sbout miles above Mobile, and west of ana near to tne Alabama river, which is at all seasons nav igaoie for stesmooata Piear seven thousand acrrs. tnclu ding four of tha plantations, are on the Seima and Wood. ville Railroad: and on this body of land, about fourteen miles from helms, is located the depot at tbe junction of the Marion railroad with tbe Selma road, to and from which depot tbe cars run resularlv. Of tbe other planta tlons; one is on the Seima railroad, two are two miles, and two six miles distant, one of which is within six miles of the city of beima. These plsntatlons are In the highest state of cultivation, with good gins, gin housea, cotton presses, mills, negro cabins, shops, stables, artesian welii, CC.

AC. I arill sell them In tracts to suit nnrrhssers. of Ml lrrm, 2U or no acres, snd so laid off as to give as mncb opened and wood land to each tract as may be desired, and with or without the negroes, stock, piautatiua tools, corn, Possession of the above plantations and negroes will be given to the purchasers at anytime biat the crop gr iwing, or jjecemotror January next, aa they may If not sold prtvatelv previous to the first Monriav In De cember next, I will, on that day, at Selma, aell to th highest bidder such negroes as may then be unsold. Such opportunities snd advantages were never before presented for those wishinx to continue, or to rnssse In the cultivation of cotton. It has been difficult for years past to hud a plantation in the cane brake region for sale at any price, or even ta purcnaae tnere a large unimproved UT bese plantations are.

In ferti'rry, facilities for transport ation, and in all other respects, fully eqnel equal, if not superior to any in tne cotton growing states and 1 snow tnat per aonal investigstion will prove, to tbe 'isattxfsrtion of every one, that no portion of the Union is more healthy than the cane brake region of Alabama 1 will sell privately, for rath, or on time, one of the most oeaotituiiy improved rm A 1 RESIDENCES in the city of Selma. and a vera! valuable snd elegantly fin Isbrd large blocks of BRICK BUILDINGS, Including the largest sna most desirably located store rooms, othces banking offices. Ac. Also, several very desirable Unimproved Large Lots and Small Tracts of Land, in and contiguous to Selma Aiao. about thirty head of BLOODED HORSES, among which is the celebrated BROWN DICK, several superior Brood Mares, several voune Stallions.

Geldinss. Colts and Fillies; all nf them from the very best racing stock. Anions the nesroes is a first rate trainer, several good race riders, and many excellent mecnanics, coo XX. seats stresses snd bouse aervanta. For further partirularssdilress the undersigned, or W.

M. BYRD. Eeq at Selma. or W. M.

BROOKS. at Marion. Perry county. Alabama. The Overeeera now on tne plantations will give all desirable information to those no may wisb to mate a personal investirsiion of the premises BEN.

EDWARDS OREY selma, Alanams. renruary 1 1. K. FI7 2m amlly if. evidence for Hale.

A very pleasant and comfortable FAMILY RE8I DENCE. aituated on Louisiana Avenue, the first hstna fnun th. i.l nt 1 street: mree iota, measunns 1W reet in aepin Tne building, a very substantial one, emtainsten rooms two pariors, chambers, dining room, kitchen, servants1 rooma. neth room. Ac The rarden la handaumelv laia out.

witn a great variety or fruit trees and shrubbery appiy a. a. P. n.r, L. I es txravicr street.

oil tl corner of Camp For Male on Arc aunt of Departare. MA delightfully situated RESIDENCE, on th Bayou St John, consisting of a newly bailt dwelling house, containing five spacious rooms and cabinet In tbe first story bath room laundry, dairy, ice house, store room and wine cellar on toe nasem*nt floor. The house is surrounded by spacious galleries, with three excellent servants' rooms, kitchen and pantry detached gardens wen stocked and in nne order: stabling, pouttrv vard. Ac. and a plentiful supply of water.

Fur terms. Ac, apply oa tbe premises, second Douse beyond the bridge. api ii oka t'ondoa Batcher. Stalls 6n and 66 St Mary's Market. Keeps constantly on hand a supply of

jiuii u. runa, cal, sau 8AGES. which be offers to furnish to ships, steamboats, hotels, and the pnblic generally, at the lowest poaajblt rices SsY Supplies for ships, steamboats hotels delivered alt ly ra any part of the city, free of cbareef Attakaptus aad Ope Is a so H. Kxpress an 1.1 lie. fCJ a Fassengera leaving New Orleans on Tnes lal "tf days.

1 nursdays and Barnrasys. by tbe New Orleans. Opelousaa aad Great Western Rail road, wul a.waya find, at tbe Tigerville landing, the swift and beautiful mail boat NAOMI. C. Simmons, master, in readiness for the secure and quick transportation of pas aengers and freight to Bayou Berwick's Bsv.

Pat tersonville. CentreviUe, Franklin. ChareBUm. Jeannrrrtt't and New loena, connecting at New Iberia with a splendid line nf four horse pust coaches for St. Martin, Vermilion, Grand CAteao, Opelousas and Washington.

Returnins. the Naomi will leave New Iberia on Sundava. Wedneailsya and Fridays Bate A special Express Messenger will accompany the boat each trip, attending to the safe delivery of aJ nark ages and freights consigned to this line. All passengers and freights will be IsnJed wherever desired. J.

B. PRICE A Proprietors. Acent. 8. JONES.

Express Office Camp street. New Orleans. d18 tf Inaersoll'n GREAT AMERICAN BOAT AND OAR BAZAAR. Established In Life. Rsre.

Fancy. P'essnre snd siso built to order at ahort notice. Particular attention will be riven hereafter to this department The Twenty Eighth Annca ra.r wul come on in ArriL Aquatic sportsmen, and al desirous, are invited to attend. Ingersoii intends to outstrip ail former efforts is tne models of '66. saO South it reet.

New York city. Fl 4m llooae Farniahinar (losila. CHINA. GLASS AD EARTHENWARE Assorted crates, for the eaxtry trade. UPHOLSTERS' ill ATE RIALS Cord.

Tsssela. Fringe. Gimp. Curled Hir and HairC'ioth. Springs.


mhi lm 73 and 'S Camp atreet. Texaa Laads. undersigned are loratiug lands in Texas oa favorable terms. All those holding claims for lauds ua located woold do well to csll on the subscribers. J.

at. asuvT, Alton, Benaca counry. Texaa. F. HATCHER.

16 Qrarler street. Sin an New Oeteana A Uellchtfal Kealdenre at Cireea ville for Date or xase. THIS property Is beautifully located, and has all tbe conveniences for genilemsn's reaidenre. with seven rooms In tbe main building and ten rooms In tbe out build, iocs eardens. well stocked wttb every description of fruit trees, ahruboery, Ac, Ac Apply to J.


DOCKAGE. FROM and after the first day of June next the rates of dockare will be fixed at .10 per rent less than tbe rates nowestsbushed.the undersigned bavinsone large and commodious dock in onerstion. and one otherio the courseof construction, to be finished by tbe 1st of June next, of ca pacity sumcient for tne largest Class steamboats ana snips, being 320 feet length, and K4 feet in width. The great re duction of dockage, and the accommodations for facilitating the repairs of steamboats, offers great inducement to captains snd owners of steamboats. HYDE A MACK IE.

Proprietors. Algiers. M. HARRISON A 5 Gravier atreet, agents. New Orleans: April 1.

18AA. apl tf Haperior Florida Limber Ae. Yell aw Fine ton rued snd grooved rloorine. 600,000 feet I i inch Dressed Yellow Pine, tongaed snd grooved, noonng. 600,000 feet inch Dressed Yellow Pine, tonfeed snd grooved, ceiling.

100,000 feet I inch Dressed Yellow Pine, tongued and grooved, flooring. SnOjono feet 1 and 1 inch dressed square edged, flooring. liir.onr feet Dressed Shelving. 1kri.a feet assorted Timber. Scantling.

Joists snd Boar is. HO.oo feet rwoch snd I inchxs Strips. 1AO.H0O feet assorted Juniper Boards, lvt.ntvj feet Cypress lai.nro feet inch Dressed Decking. U.tvc feet Dressed Weather Boards, aoo.oro Laths. SOu.GtO Cypress Shingles.

Juniper Foe sale by POO LET, NICOL corner of Cedar snd Julia streets. New Basin, and Robertson snd Carondelet Walk. Old Basin. CSf Far further notice see advertisem*nt in another column. mhll If Yellow Fever Cholera.

JW. HUTCHINSON'S TONIC BITTERS, for the core of Chi 'Is and Fever. Dyspepsia, Liver Complaint, Diarrhea. Jaundice. Chronic or Nervous Debility, Dia esses of tbe Skin, and almost ail other complaints incident to aa enfeebled constitution.

It a certain preventive if taken during an epidemic of Yellow Fever or Asiatic Cholera. As a family medicine they are un equaled in this or say other country. For asie by apft lm SICKLES 88 and 90 Canal st otice to Tax Payers. Treasurer's Office, City of Jefferson, February 1, VOTICE at hereby given to all persons, resident ar aoa i resident, indebted to tbe City sf Jefferson for Taxes of tbe year 166. aad previous years, that the aaid Taxes are due and payable from tne 1st day of January.

1866, ta the 31st of May. I8M. Notice is further given, that the Treasurer will be at his orhce. corner of Valence and Levee streets, from 9 o'clock A. to 12 o'clock and from o'clock P.

o'clock P. to receive tbe said Taxes, mid if tbe same is not paid within tbe time above mentioned, they arill be dealt with according to law. apt E. CHEVALLEY. Treasurer.

Waxahlaartoa Hotel. Jske FeteaavrtTaia, Reps by Dasmensseaa A Jules, alias MarechaL The above establishment ha etna beea thoroughly repaired aad fitted up ia a spies did arvte. arill be onened aa SUNDAY, tbs etb af Apni. NaCKln. baa Saai tS anil it Sa snake It ff tk seat HoCeia tn Lswiwaaa.

and most coaufortsWe for axminea. Rooms elegantly furs shed for peraoas wiab ia ta leave the city foes few days, and privatT aafoena far ananeTa. The Cult awry Separtmeax wiU be attended to by Mr. ales, anas Mareebal, whose talents ta that lias Are well knows. Choice wines sad attentive waiters.

Asm, ta separate building, an excellent Bar Room, Billiard Saloaa. aad Pistol fctaVlery. L'vk MSHED ROOMS TO RENT, ronaastiai af bed JT rooeas aod parlor, sua board ii to aired. Apply at taw HARDWARE. Uardware, Iron, Capper, Ztao ut Ttm Plates.

PRIESTLEY BE IN. 89 and 91 Camp street. Importers snd Dealers a Fa ign and Domestic HARD, 1 WARE. Ac. would call tbe at tf I teniion of their friends, and thskaaa public generally, their large and well assorted stock, which they are now and wiU be constantly receiving, direct from tbe manufactories of Europe snd of the Northern cities, which renders their stock one of the best assorted In the ciy, snd weU worthy the attention of buyers.

They guar antee their goods to be of tbe best quality, and their prices as low and terms as Uberal as any other bouse In the trade The following cam prises a part of their present stock snd which they have earning 600 tons English Bar Iron, flat, round and square 500 Tennessee do do do 104 Swedish do do do 100 Best Cable do do do so Pennsylvania Boiler Iron SO East Tennessee do 25 do Plough Plates; s5 do Plough Moulds 10 Swedish Plough Plates; 600 bdiA English. Amerirsn snd Tennessee Sheet Iron, assorted os. 10 to i. 8no Hoop and Cistern Iran, assorted, ts 4 inches; l.oiio kegs Cut Nails, of the best brands; 200 Cot snd Pressed Spikes; 1,800 boxes Tin Plate, best Charcoal brands; lA.ono pounds Block Tin, Spelter, Zinc, Ac 66, Otto pounds Braziers' Copper, from 10 IB to 160 sheets; luo dozen Collins A Co. a Aatea; 60 Hunt's do 800 Oliver Ames snd other brands Bhoyel'a snd Spades: 100 Cotton and ool Cards 100 Wilson's genuine Coffee Mills; Pocket and Table Cutlery, Razors.

Ac American and English Locks of every description Sliding Door Furniture; Hand Plated and Galvanized do; Hook and Plate Hinges; Butt and Parliament do; Window Fasteners of every description; Patent Balances and Platform Scales Anvils, Vices, Stocks and Dies, Bellows; Ox, Log. Trace, Halter and Coil Chains; Chain Cables and Anchors; Hoes of every description and pattern; Cross Cut. Mill and Pit Saws, Rowland's and Hoe's; Ploughs, of John King's and other good brauds; Hollow ware and Castings; French Pots from 1 to 108 pints; Tarred snd Manilla Rope, all sizes; Oakum, Msrline, Honselin, Ac. Oils, Sperm, Whale, Lard and Linseed; Atlantic Pure White Lead Brooklyn Noa. 1 and White Lead; Pore Zinc White; Black and Yellow Paints; Verdigris; Paris and Chrome Green; Mill and Grind Stones; Sheet, Bar and Pig Lead, Pipe, Ac.

taw They are agents for tbe following manufactories HILLMAN, VANLEER A CO. '8 CELEBRATED TENNESSEE ROLLING WORKS, whose Boiler and other Iron baa been examined by competent persons, and In a report of the Chamber of Commerce of this city declared to be of the best quality. THE HDMPHREYSVILLE SHEET AND BOLT COPPER WORRS. a large aud weU assorted stock always on band. a.

L. HANSON'S PLANTATION BELLS, allsixea. from 20 to 2.non pounds iui.iu BCUAB, Alttl rLUUUnt at All of wuirb. in addition to their own Isrse and well assorted stock, tbey will sell at the lowest prices and sn tbe most uoerai terms ox Am OYSTERS. Hope Halls fto.

ST. CHARLES STREET. THE undersigned having purchased the establishment No. ul St Charles street, lately known aa HICKOK'S SALOON, and comoletelv overhauled and renovated it has given It the name of HOPE HALL, and respects rutty annauncesvo nis menos ana tne puouc. and tbe rest of mankind, that be is prepared to welcome them with pirital as weU as bodily com tuns to their entire satisfaction.

His barsrfil be constantly famished wttb. the best Wines and Liquors that can be imported, and his arrangements in tne cn.iuary line iiuiqu, oe laipawa. He will keeD at all times al) the delicacies the ft not hern and Northern markets afford, and will supply families and partiea with Fish, Game, Oysters, Ac Ac, iu their natural state, or cooked in tbe most approved style. He haa employed obliging attendsnts. aad those who be.

stow their pat ror. nse on Hope Hall may rest assured thai every attention will be paid them by the proprietor and assistants Jinte JOHN I. DANIELS. Female I nfJrmnry DR. E.

F. WAThlNS (late of Memphis. haa opened at Mississippi City, on tbe Gulf Coast, an Infirmary for the special treatment of fl israsrs peculiar to femalea He has during the last ten years bad an extensive ex perience Id tbe trrarmeni of sum diseases. He is prepared with onmf.rtable rooms, nurses. Ac, to tske chsrge of ladies and female servants laboring under dia easts peculiar to their sex.

Refer to Drs. Taylor, Pitman, Brown, Robarda, Shanks, Irwin. Woodward and Wro. A. Booth and Messrs C.

Brinkley, Hon. C. Jones, Rt. Bv. A.

Otev. A. O. Harris, E. Apperson A Co Geraldna Buntyn.

T. S. Ayres, A. Parker. Gen.

R. iliiama. Memphis. Dr. John Ford and Hon.

John M. Lee. NazhviUe; Dr. 8. Maione.

Columbus. Miss: Col. Gcstin Reamy. Vernon. Mw Dr.

E. D. Fenner. and Messrs. Burbanon.

Carroll A Goodrich ArCo Williams, Philips A and D. Williams A Sons. New Orlesns Dr. George N. Bniith, CoL m.

0. Xiiauuooi. rasa uriBiian. Address Dr. E.

f. AtsVLNS, Mississippi City, Miss. Ft fm' DIE MADELINE'S COUGH CANDY. rit HE proprietor of this celebrated preparation strongly A recommends it to tbe public, as it can be used with out Inconvenience or hindrance to boeines It is com posed soUrly of different vegetable extracts of a soothing and expectorant nature, the usage of which has established its superiority over ail ether Cough Syrups and compositions, which cannot be safely used without remaining at aome. We wooid particularly recommend this ar tic 1 eto parents whose children are artiicted wlb COCOHS HOOPING COLOIIS, DISEASES OF THE LINGS, THROAT, Ac, diseases too often neglected in children from the diifi culty in making there take Cough preparations, whlc'j ar most always of a disagreeable taste and nauseating ua cre.

Cse Dr. L. MADELINE'S Expe to rant Cauxy you wisb to get cured promptly and withsut troU i Dr. L. MAl'KLINE Candy caa ire roc red at the following Drug Stores J.

DCCLOUX, corner of St. Loar ei street sad Commer cial Place. A. SOM ERS. TiTtX C.rrle.

N. CCRTlUs uer ot Carondelet street snd Tnton walk. t. it ulyCEZ. corner af Bam part and St Louis recta E.

E. MOCGIN, corner of Customhouse and Dauphin Streeta GOLDMAN. No. lwi Poydras street. 6 ROSA RT.

comer of Marais and Gasouet streets. C. M. I1EGRAXRT, corner of Customhouse and Tremf atreets J. A.

FLORAT. No. It Mobile Landing. New Basin, sad corner of Rampart and 1 streeta Dr. J.

BOOTH, earner of Carondelet and Girod streets. J. PECK WITH, corner of Baronne and St. Joseph streets Dr. A.

A. JONES. No. 139 Poydras street P. POCLIOT.

next house to corner of Nayadea snd Polym nia streeta R. HL'BERWALD, corner of Rampart and Gravier streeta J. RATTMAN. corner of Blenvflle sad Marais streets M. S.

HYMES. corner or Gravier and Liberty streeta. KT P1FKRF. onbnaite Third District Msrket JCLICS RICHTER, comer of Bienville and streets E. FLEMMICH, corner of Melpomene and Dryades streets.

ew onesna. Notice. UEUAtt l. r. i' A THE undersigned are now receiving and yarding, i Jbrir yard, a large assortment of RED CEDAR, sul ab eTor shipping and building puroses.

snd are prepar A A R. at suit ab Tor shipping and ouiiding puroses. sna are prepared to furnish builders wrtn any qusntity. rut to order, at tne shortest notice, hsve also some Twenty Thocsand RAILROAD TIES lor sale. A large lot of BOAT suitable for foundation or flooring warehouses.

Ail orders left in our box. No. art Mechanics' Exchange, No. 19 St. Charles street, or sent to the office.

Tchoupitoulaa street, between Second and Third streets. Fourth District, will be promptly attended to. nillll r.m vxet.rxn.ix.Xj at i.jin i r. a. Chas.

A. gtewarf, Nos. 171 snd 1T3 Canal atreet, rEEPI constantly on band large snd elegant supply of Household Furniture, of ail descriptions He is constantly receiving by every arrival tbe laxest and moat Fasuionabie Goods bis line that can be found in this city. Aiao, a large supply or leathers, mattresses and attends to all kinds of Upholstery work. Purchasers wil find It much to their advantage to examine tnjs large stork before purchasing elsewhere.

This is sa entirely new estiisoment. and no old etors on nana, es ly (illmsm's Basrasae Fsraace. REPORTS tn circulation by unscrupulous parties to the effect that my Patent Bagasse Furnace ia an in fringement on some other patent, and thereby renders BiAnters who mav use mv Furnace liable to a suit for dam agea. have made It expedient for me to employ an eminent and well known Patent attorney to examine all the papers on file at the Patent Office in relation to tne subject, and his below ia a sufficient comment apon tbe In telligence, or honesty of those who would prejudice my business oy sucn meats., u.

31 ate ties street, new Orleans. Washington. D. C. March 14.

1896. To Samuel H. Oilman, Esq sir sugar planters, ac, can witn perfect safety ana curity contract with you for your improved Bagasse Furnace it in no wise conflicts with any tenable claims held nnder existing patents. To be still more explicit, it in no wise conflicts with any claim held under existing patents. Respectfully yonrs, THOR G.

CLINTON, 444 Seventh street. mh z3 tf opposite ratent utnee. Aency of Sharp's fteel Barrel Breech Leading, sen rnming ire Arms HE mbacribers, agents for Sharp's Rifle Maoufactnr Ins Company, will keep constantly on band, at their Saddlery Warehouse, No. 79 Canal street, sa assortment of the above anna, which will be sold at Manufacturers' prices: We beg leave to call public attention to the tacJll tiea they afford tbe sportsman, aad their efficiency as weapons of defence, in both of which capacities they have seen some service on the frontier. Jel3 SA ly SMITH A BROTHER.

tmith dc Brother. SADDLERY ARBHOC8E. 79 CANAL STREET, liner tor sale a large assortment st foods ta their line, coasisting of Saddles. Bridies, Girths, Surcingles, Ac Harness. Saddlery Hardware, Whips, Leather and Spars.

Agents for the sale of Boston Beltine Casn psny INDIA RUBBER GIN and MACHINE BANDS, STEAM PACKING. HOSE, Ac PATENT STRstTCHRD LEATHER BANCS, ail sizes. SHARP'S PATENT BREECH LOADrNS Bm.K AN ARB IN ES. at manufacturers nncex These goods are offered aa Savorabie terma. sre chess.

sna tne quality guaranteeo. mais 4J Watches Watches. 1 1 Beealey At Tobias's Watches, tn heavy hnnt ing 18 carat jaw Hunting Silver Watches; ss worn Lupine ana Ancna sae Watches: Jewelry, of every Je pttoa Tine rocket Cutlery. Guns. Pistols snd I mey Goods for sale, wholesale and retail, by jbix er KX aERN AGHAN.

canal street ttf gSBMLI Pal uvisi Aivnr.3. WATCHES. I BT DIAMOND AND PEARL JEWELRI A KIRK SO V. fFaslnBra xsit. 17 Baittrnore sere.

t. efevawt, WOULD respectfully lovrta aw 8ILVERTF A SETS. TEA KT DISHES. TCEWi. aaiaWit 'a lltst etre aasaf tM wj DIRECT.

IMTO.l eV WAITERS. Of the beat 17 VCHATlO DISHES, with ASSETS. PIECES sahwi lm reat variety as araj OBTOS ES. re etved and for mrwa CARTER a Texw.nitlaa 148 aew i a uaau as nasi sas ztarguaaj tr EDUCATION. Cornwall CoIIeriate Cornwall, Orange county, N.

Y. HIS Institution la located on tbe west bank of the Hudson, immediately above tbe HigKi.nrf. sad about half a mile from tbe river. The ground, attached eon tain" between fourteen snd fit "ell furnished with fruit and ahade trees. ax7dpsaf ntte4 convenience, ia large mileS abot.

ihf "din the river for twenty the Highlands. the cHyd SuVwhJrTTS1 with thto P1 the hemthfulnesT' village influence, STandroM to render it a convTntent de2r.ble The Principal will receii. residence for youth, number oWd! a thorough English. Classical or MtthemattesJ 1 or prepare tbem to enter any classm coUeaerK of scholars la limited tot web ty. 1 Th "amber The year will be divided into two sessions of t.t.

first 8" WlZSSgr the Wmt" References Rev. Samuel H. Cox, D. Owego. llT Mar New York city Messrs.

Abram A David Sands. Nsw York city; Prof! Howard Crosby, New York SoninerMandeyllle. Freedom Plains Par ker JVUlis, Idlewild Enoch L. Fancher, Eaq New York city, Timothy Merwin. New York city, rE'" iriTSt' Proh Lieut John A.

Dahlgren jEi. Prof E. Yorkcf $ZT Sku2i o. ncury jr. ttL.

jTeu, 17 Camp street, jew to whom may be made for terma wtC. flTlh2ri lml A I DPI! ts aa a tvA n.vry. iielle lirote Academy, erxx, cw J' EVERETT, rpHE SEVENTH SEMI ANNUAL Seation of stitntlou will commence on MONDAY. March 1. LOCATION.

The location of this school combines the several Import ant advantages of being salubrious, convenient of access, and, above all, free from the pernicious and unwholesome moral influences of the city. COURSE OF INSTRUCTION. Tbe Course of instruction embraces sil the nanal hraneK. es of a thorough English Education, Latin, Greek, the modern languages, and Book keeping, fitting tbe pupil for business or the rjniversirv. as tbe larvnt, The best of Professors employed in every department To facilitate the progress of the pupils in speaking the French snd English languages, these languages will be spoken exclusively, on alternate days, during recreation French one day and English on the following.

Public examinations accnr tn tbe months of December and May. The annual distribntinn of neizea take. ni. immediately after the examination in December. XtEXilUlUII.

This Institution Is free from all sectarian Influences every pupil being allowed the most perfect freedom in the proieanon oi nix religion, i ne pupils from Catholic fam lies are. however, reauired to attend the c.tlu,lic rhnn and those from Protestant families the Protectant ehn ek' on the Sabbath. Each pupil should come supplied with tbe following articles 1 silver spoon, i silver fork, table napkins, towels, all marked with the name of the pupiL rariah Jefferson; D. C. HolIMay, M.

Parish Jefferson L. Sarpy. Parish St Charles: L. Warner. New Orleans: Prof.

c. Mare, St. Charles Institute; Dr. A. H.

Cense. Frederick Fear bier, C. W. Cam mack, New Orleans. 'nca For turther particulars, apply personally at the Institution, or address the Principal through tbe Carrollton Post mc ttiha MV ly DISSOLUTION Tbe copurtnerxliiplieretofore existing between the undersigned, under the nsme and atvle of CURRY A PERSON, is this day dissolved by limitation.

Roth partners sre barged with winding up all un u.i merauip. ana tne nsme oi tbe turn will be used in liquidation. S. B. CURRY J.

J. PERSON. New Orleans, Apni I. l.vt. apt tf THE nnderaigned will continue tue business of Curry Person, under the name and style of J.

J. PERSON A and will assume and pay all claims against Curry A Person. J. J. PERSON, M.


lvi apt tf HAVINQ rttired from bu.iucas. I take pleasure In recommending my friends to the fi of J. J. PERSON CO 8. B.

CURRY. New Orleans, April 4. IftVI. apl tf COPARTNERSHIP NOTICE The undersigned have thia day entered into copartnership, under tbe name and style ol RHORER A BliO for the purpose of conducting a Cotton Factorage and Commission business J. M.

RHORER, No. 10 Union street. 8. A. RHORER New Orlesns.

April 4. 1ha. apA rim OTICE Mr. M. F.

BONIS, of this city. lis to day ad. mitted a member of our firm GEO. 8MEDE8 A CO New Orleans. February 11.

IPS. FlltfY NOTICE Tne undersigned have tta day formed aco partnership under the firm of BRIDGE. RAN LETT A for tbe purpose of conducting a General Commit. don sad Forwarding Business. EDWARD A.


BRIDGE. New Orleans, senary 18B6. Tbe business of BRIDGE A BRO. will be continued by tbe above firm at tbe same place, to Gravier at Jal em COPARTNERSHIP The subscribers have this day entered into copartnership under tke name and style of HARRIS A LEVI, for tbe 'purpose of transacting Cotton Factorage and General Commission Business. MICAJAH HARRIS, A.

LEVI. New Orleans. Jan. 1. lfiM.

Jfi tf Pant Lewis Pbiiiips, ROUDOU8UL1E A PHILLIPS, Ship Agents, Commis New Orleans aal NEW ORLEANS, January 88, 18M. A J. DENNISTOUN A CO. beg to call attention to the following announcement of their Glasgow house: a. ifiunur We have this day opened a branch of our house ia Loa don.

nnder tbe rim of DENNISTOUN. CROSS A CO to be conducted by Mr. WILLIAM CROSS and Mr WILLIAM CRAWFOR D. as resident nartners. We take this opportunity of stating that Mr.

ROBERT DENSlSTOUN and Mr. ALEX DENNISTOUN. Jr, sons of our principal. Mr. Alexander Dennistoun, are now and have been, since 1st January, 1864, partners of this noose ana ox axi lis orancxiea.

Ja 3m J. A. DENNISTOUN. PARTNERSHIP NOTICE The undersigned have A farmed a partnennip la the Watch and Jewelry bust reas, at Si. 4 Commercial Place, under the "am.

and style of BCI.LERD1F.CII. A PASCAL. D. Bullerdieck solicits from his old friends and customers a continuance of their favors to tne new concern. D.

BCLLERDIECR, j34 tf JAMES PASCAL. MUSIC TEACHING. ATBTciiBodTei Teacher of Vocal and Instrumental Music. aact Gives lessons In these accomplishments, either fat his residence or that of the pupil. An lm awg? proved method for teaching children.

Leasotu given: private schools. Ail orders left at t. P. ER LEIN Music Store, No. 6 Camp street, will meet with prompt attention.

A ts tlA.liL r. dls Orange street, between Camp and CoHseuna. REMOVAL. REMOVAL J. P.

ALLEN, Sta amboa Aent, haa re; moved from No. 67 Tr boc pi toniaa atreet to No. 16 Foydrasi atr corner commercial at. a if CMOVAL FRANK. HATNES, Attorney At Uw, bj asuissii Kisi Af Ks ss Sa TVn wtas aPasmn ntrmmt Ks aa aia aa 6rariranci Common vtreeta JO tf 11 EMOVAL D.

RNAPP. Merchant Tailor, has removed from 76 bt carles street to Union street. No. 16. ft6 REMOVAL J.

H. A8HBRIXK3E A CO. have removed from S3 St Charles to No. ISO Common stxeet. snder tbe Gas Office.

as DENTISTRY. TVgTTfffA ETLt, BTTj 1M Canal street, between Carondelet and Baronas. sar Artincial teetb inserted ia the best manner. anil ly LTfiF HBRlCR RNAPP. DENTAL BURGEON, Dr.

K. wishes ts confine his practice 16S Canal street. exclusively to those who wish their operations pel formed tne nignest degree of perfection. Millions of teet of perfection. Millions of teeth are now lost annually which might be saved lich mixht be saved bv timet and Judicious treatment.

His prices are the same that be has charged the last fifteen years dit dAWtf CARRIAGE COACHES; BOCRAWATS; BAROUCHE HARNESS; WHIPS; COACH BUGGIES i WAGONS, Ac TRIMMINGS, VARNISH, Ac SAT For sale law for Cash ar city acceptance. 3fll 3 Gravier sttid 13 Ualoa street, HEW ORLEANS JalO rH ly J. A. 0 As CO A7. Jlaslch tic N.

Heiapro, aTswatwr A Dl.l. AW ABE cvTTliitf om tie7r business aa usual at No. 84 did Levee, between Jefferson and Toulouse eta, as dealers in ersnaea. lemons, bananas eocoanuts. nine armies.

Gasva leuiea. oriea cgs, prunes ana raisins, atmsnaa, mwra. nuts, Brazil and otner kinds af nuts, supplies or wuica they keep constantly an band. They feel thankful im public for the patronage they have enjoyed during tb uss iea years, sna nave made port steamers and sailing vessels th then eanatanr mrfiM Tku rive sxraiigements.wit the hicb will insure aSnM Mki. tii, nuacta oeing am profit and quirk return, tbey sell cheap for cash.

Country orders promptly attended to. ac i. frserye yssr rau lini vwywwr a acaixs Jig. TIGHT CAM.

Veea THIS sawtdl. ITile Wfc ir" thoroughly tested, jfTtSt IT aarsnee that ft caa be rrt 'arjTT tais Caa is drawn Air tigbt Caa lathe snsvrRe. 1 JXcrrw af the metallic between the way or cesaenl, tbe can. derW the "Fjf'saetaitie sobatasce which caa not tm Cat it asst ra a fLl.l an ect the resit ia fjetr. Boat Maa.tact.rer aad Asa aAna Bstxxte Batsuts jSAJLBs.BUXinti'.

Its SS 8t Charles atreet. ROLLINS ONCE MOzus at Hia POST. The Verasv dab fire for while stopped tbs rrTrafina sf ksl weS ksswa sstsh'ishment, bat as aizbc restored to him a better sae, where be caa stve at ail aouia HOT, COLD, VAPOR, SHOWER ss MEDICATED xvaizxa. zzxs zxaasr as BAX4JON la sampixed with tas best artists the casntrv ess anWd mm VLZZ Hasr Coitisis Cleaning, Dyeing asd Dreastag have sees reduced dawn ts a arieace, he ires awsn i that he caa serve wish alacrity sad despatch the svwt fsstidioos. He has fcwesis a well assorted stack sf FRESH PERFUMERY.

FUR NISHING GOODS. COSMETICS, and the best KIM sua iu.ilb soe tne Base Coil at has ing BBS Pi af JOSEPH ROLLINS aW far 'hoDG ETTS, 18 William street. Hefets ts amaoaiactajre Brsn white's Patent Caa fa) aJacSS. aPplT SS A I S4xtrwadwy.Ne,Trtc I PgW EDUCATION. Hchool lor Yeans I.satt.

MR A. M. RICHARDS, whohas a STeatcelsbetry a teacher sf young ladies, is desirous of receiving pupils, as boarding scholars, at her Private Academy, hn the pleasant village of Maiden, Massachusetts, neat Boston. They would receive maternal care, ss well as a devoted attention to their intellectual improvement Mrs. Richards wooid refer to Wm.

Jsraes Dewey, New Orleans: Dr. John C. Warren, Wax. Minot, Hon. Ben.

F. Hallett. and Wm. 8. Thscbar, Esq.

Boston and Hon. John Dewey. Guildhall. Vermont. mhao tf Collece, Located In tbe Buildings formerly occupied by Jefferson College, Parish of St James, THE LOUISIANA COLLEGE Is now the property of company of Stockholders, among whom we observe Louis Dufau.

A. B. Roman. J. D.

Deneare. 1. Ilam. Dugne, Dr. Dam are, 8.

Fortiea, A. Ferry, Alex Decloav et, Edw. Simon. It has been chartered by tbs State of Louisiana, snd received University privileges In March last. I tags administered by Board of Trustees, composed of Messrs.

Loots Damn, President ex officio: James D. Denegre. L. Labarre. Alex.

Declonet, Pr. Dugue, Alexia Ferry, Septime Fortier. ii last meeung.tne xtoarnroi imstees nas unanl mously resolved, that the Faculty of Louisiana College shall be composed of tbe following Professorships 1st, English Literature: sd. Mathematics; Sd, Natural Icl Itn Frenn Literature th. Ancient Classics snd in said Chairs, the pecuniary compensation at matter of secondary consideration Z.

Jt their oWect being to secure tbs aervice. of only aa are In a respects capable efscca rCrln SA' resaXcolleVeTof Dlfioa Resolved, That candidates for tbe above Pro fesaorsbips must make a written application to Louis 6T fcu. President of the College. so Mis urn The course of education Tn tbe estaoUstrment la both Sa uu xviemeuiary. i nere is.

consequently, a primary course and a collegiate course. The Students whs know year Wnt nmd' are received st sil seasons of tts Tnton wishing to senA their sons or wards. CapltoL the Captains of the Laurel Hia or N. 2nb" ertlculars, terms and prcepecrusea. spply la ldWnt.fCtCAot.ekCttiXn 'rjr.

rr ,0, Artdemy. 'rty yeirs' standing situated in tbe county of Caroline. State af Vlr nea below Frrt eric Br. t7 yH Rny There is daily conveyance from each of the above named places to this place, which will facilitate the arrival of popils Tbe next regular session on the 1st October, 1AV, and continaes withoa interruption until the 31st July, igns. The terms are tioo for entire session often months, ens half payable Jn advance, and tbe other half oa tbe 1st March, 18M.

Tbe Principal is a graduate of the Virginia Military Institute, and is assisted by Mr. JOHN W. JONES, of tbe University of Virginia A.citvSlar. containing full information, can be had by addressing the Principal, at Port Royal. Caroline county Virginia.

THOMAS R. THORNTON, an Principal. tat, Vlaceat'a College Cape Girardeau. Missouri. HIS College, incorporated by tbe Lesislatnre of tbe State of Missouri in lra.1, wiih tbe niveraity privileges, is beautifully aituated on tbe Mississippi, at Caps uirardeaa, forty five miles above tbe mouth of the Ohio.

It commends a noble view on each side of the river. Forty acres, adjoining tbe coilexe. hsve been provided for its 9e, and nne mile snd a tout from the town aa extensive Jsrm, where the pupils may spend their days of recrea tion. A complete Commercial. Mather at id riM.1.

tal Education ts given in this institution. Terrria Tuition. Boarding and Mending, 81S0 per year i Washing, SI Doctor's Fees and Medicines, So per vear An additional charge of Sift will be made for those who re main at the eollere dnring vacstion. For further in r.nrr.stiun. apply to I.

AD. EriSTFn Esq, Attorney st Law. Ajj. ut of the College, comer caxup and Commercial Alley. tar Tbe Re.

Mr O'KEEFE. Treasnrer of Ms College, la In the city at preeiit. snd can be seen at Archbishop's residence, morning and evening, and trara IS to sc'oek. mhis tf est. Joseph's AcMdeBiT for lassg lL.aaUes.

Near Emmettsborg. Frederick County, Md. THE Annual Seasioa of Studies at thai InstrtntJoB commences on the S4tb August, and terminates sa the last Thursday in June The terms for Board and Tuition sre SlftO per annum, payable semi annually In ad TSere extr charges for Music, Drawing, Painting. Spanish, German, Italian end Latin. The terma tor the Primary Department, composed of pupils nnder nine years of age, are S10O per payable aalf yeariy in advance.

Letters of Inquiry should be addressed to tbe Mather Superior of St Joseph's Academy, Emmeitxtrurg Freder (rk r.nnty. Md ao4M ly Kdacatien. MRS. WM. BRAND is desirous of giving Instructions in families as Visiting Governess.

References me Dearsyaux, Dr. Newton Mercer, Dr. Cartwrigbt, Frank Perret. Victor Burtbe, Martin Gordon Robert Cammack, and Alfred Hetmea, Esguirrs. Address st tbs office of this paper, or Box 47.

Post Oftcs Ft tf ifj." I aad EON LA GRIN, lately a lawyer at the bar af Paris, now Professor of tbe French Lsngusss snd Preach Literature in the University of Louisiana. Lessons given in Private institotiona and Famines. French classes for gentlemen at 7 o'clock, every evening, st his orhce. University Buildings, corner of Baronne sad. Common streets.

nil fto ly alias Allison's Iastitatioa for Yeans dies. Camp street, corner Delord. RE OPENED oa MONDAY, Sept. 3d. Eminent mas ten are engaged for tbe Music and for tbe Preach, Spanish and Latin languages.

Tbe English department ia nnder the charge of Miss Allison and sisters Miss M. Allison and M'me Bondet will form classes for Pencil Drawing and for Flower, Water Color aad Oil Painting. Prospectuses, stating terms. Ac, to be had st the Institution. OSI 4axt Colleariate Afepartnsent.

UNIVERSITY OF LOUISIANA. THE fourth annual session of this department wHl commence on tbe first of November, with the following named Professorships filled I. Ancient linages, Mathematics. Natural and Exp. Philosophy and Astronomy, x.

Geology. 4. Chemistry and Mineraisgy. German and Hebrew Lngasges 6. French I angiiass and Literature.

7. Spanish Langriage. The Professor of Mathematica wiu stve hia classes era tnltsua Instruction in Topographical and Linear Drawing. The Touro Prize for tbe student most proficient ta the Hebrew Language, and tbe Burke Prize for the student excelling in Elocution, will be presented at tbs close of the season. Tbe organization of this department Is such as to enable students to follow complete or partial course.

The annual expense arill depend npoa the number of tickets taken by the student Full information gives at the University Bsjldinss. Common atreet. C. W. BEARS, 66 ly Dean to she Faculty.

Day and Boarding Hrhesl for Vasag la diea. Founded in 133. by M'me Leiris. and conducted since 1 MO by M'me DE8RAYACX. Burgundy street between Custom house aad Bienville streets.

New Or leans THE Summer Seaatoa of this establish ment a Fsss Christian, begins on the 1st JUNE. Tbe buildings there are large enough to accommodate FIFTY boarders, and an indefinite number af Day Scholars Attached to toe premises are a fine bath bouse snd good wharf. Tbs institution provides thorough and substantial tastrsctioa In every stage and department of education. Singing and So I fere are taught Jy 'lie Calve, Sit met ly Prima Donna of tbe New Orleans Opera, and by Mr. Prrvost, the well known leader of the Orchestra Mr.

Pie usl will reside st tbe Pass daring the summer, and will continue hia lesson, (singing and solfege) in the estahllahmf nr He will aiao give private lessons In families. Examination, ta masic take ptaee every month darfog winter In tbe city sod every fortnight during the asm. mer at the Pass. The city school remains opens the whole year for era and day sebslxja. mtl Oft lydAW Jeoerssa Aradenr.

St Bourbon atreet. Orleans Conducted by J. S. LORD. rHE plan of this institution comprises a general aad ex tensive system of education.

Pupils sre admitted a six or seven years of age, and can continue till their edn cation is complete, or till they are prepared for their fu ture pursuits in nte. They are distributed into classes according ta their ta lent, and advancement The premises are perhaps the beat to be found ta the city, with ample space for exercise and recreation, every necessary convenience Is combined for an institution of learning on a lsrge scale. 1M protestors sre gentlemen et talent, chosen with care. Good order reigns in tbe establishment, and strict attention is paid to the moral conduct and improvement af Instruction la the English and French Languages, Writing. Arithmetic, Geography, ILstory, Mathematics, noos seeping cc The following Isxigusgea and accomDUxhmenta sre tszurht.

Tbe charges are For Latin or Greek, per A3 SO Spanish, German, or Drawing, per snopth 4 CO Music, per month 10 00 Dancing, per month 80 Fencing and Military Exercise, per For Bsarders, per aas ith. 00 nan zxoaraers, per rM" in sd Day Seneiara, under a years sf agw, per month fi 00 Day Scholars, nnder Is years of age, pee mswth. 8 no Day Scholars, above It years sf age, per msnth 10 00 School bo ua from bjaf nast 8 tlUX aad frees naif east i cioca. rpHE e'RENCH AND SPANISH LANGUAGES taagbt JL to ladies, gestlesnea aad children, by a lady 1 1 avlins at Ss S3 Csnde street. Apply bet sees aad P.

M. References Rev. Dr. North Henry Parsons. IS Cssap atreet; Hoa.

C. C. Lathrsp. Sb Camp street: Hoa. Pierre Seals s4 Ysaasr Iadles Aravdeaay.

Corner of Rampart aad Main streets, UNDER, THE DIRECTION OF MADAME TpARStsfT. THE splendid building occupied by this Instatatios fa aoc af the best located snd the best adapted aw tbs purpose sf any other In tbe city. There are "pacawatpai leriea and a magnificent terrace, which ftves riew of the en tuVctty at far aa tne I aJJP2" are vast and wH) aired. There j. 'STtn ducement sffered to parents, as tjtbe rZ aal cmltieatio.

of the minds of Professors sre employes. saw I fined edscaoss.xs EmPeuidery. Ac "TSSX. ZUSi cssr. af th.

Mathematsvaacnes. vacal sad testrs JEZ.tZ&trtltt co spetsatand Sedges bs tdry. ack: I. xke izwUtsta institutios Parents arspera Jt. ITr.

Lnit.tia sw Sand ays. "Oace eek. Saturday. )betw. eea 18 sad 1 o'clock, tbs yesag ladies asraaen uerior.

IJZZr a.4 aracefoi snanners aa ta avner ts acqaxre ys Tng ladies residias st dwtsnce la the aBerest dka, IctstrEl ssessveyed. gratia, to aad awm tsw Izwtitatiea. trlet sw scrag aeptember I. ISftS. AtlssW The lalaiUble HelF calias A' rait mm.

Veeetable Caa! OUR experience during tbe past year sa maanlactaTrns' SELF SEALING FRUIT CANS. asA ttZTZZZZS sat isiac tion and certificates sf parties was bsve i aw tested tbos. sf vansaa BuAers, hava girstt saw the decided preference aver ail ethers. 1 The subscribers offer tbe public the seat Self ftealtagCas ever invented, ts preserve Fmita. Vegetables, Ac The sealing kt invariably ariect aal ssswts iwswbw soiderw cement.

Tbs ayamint; baa bees eadavswd a faU sued peach. Every Can a perfectly testes sesww leaves ear BsaaaJactorv and stsmoed wk fiiitii a. unrrtr" xtfaasAw taRts af Pwmwhed Htoyea. Tfa vv AUSTIN as. Frwnt Levee.

daily Have cm Sx, ia.iaa TIN WARE. Betr stack of STOVES, wxuTtQwrVSer'T Tbetr stack sf Tasera aaaaafsetarc, easing sf sf both EaT" oeaca Staves. Tbey invito cssxttrr Casting, hams sad St tscailsad examiae their stack and iseaaewhsTS. Their prices sre kvw ssw as ly y.ieat Plaagh aad Scrsper. VaslltA0 SAVIN IMrLiEirT every kiss as assi a aTia.n rsS BJt wZtZM Art fWr at Ja srd stasr sel Sk pBSxwssxawV.

The Times-Picayune from New Orleans, Louisiana (2024)


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Author: Prof. An Powlowski

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Name: Prof. An Powlowski

Birthday: 1992-09-29

Address: Apt. 994 8891 Orval Hill, Brittnyburgh, AZ 41023-0398

Phone: +26417467956738

Job: District Marketing Strategist

Hobby: Embroidery, Bodybuilding, Motor sports, Amateur radio, Wood carving, Whittling, Air sports

Introduction: My name is Prof. An Powlowski, I am a charming, helpful, attractive, good, graceful, thoughtful, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.