Top Posts Tagged with #i have never dated before and have no interest in it so the hypothetical isn't too relevant to me | Tumlook (2024)


May 5

so i've been thinking about long-term bucktommy stuff, and, im ride or die for this ship rn, i'm on this boat until it sinks. but i've been brainstorming about ways in which this series actually ends, more specifically how bucktommy ends.

i genuinely would be so down for them to be the endgame ship, even if it means we don't get to see Buck going on one-off dates with guys the same way he does with women (which i've kinda been plotbunnying abt in my head). but there's just no way to tell this far in advance, esp when we don't have the end of the show end in sight. so it's all just theories and speculation at this point.

but, i was wondering, yknow, if they do end with Buddie or even with Buck with someone else (or maybe he ends the show single! who knows!) I was thinking about ways which in which Tommy and Buck's relationship ends.

and i think the clearest answer is this: Tommy doesn't want kids.

we've know literally since the pilot that Buck has a soft spot for kids. for kids on calls, for his best friend's kid, hell, he's a donor dad. this has never been up for discussion and i think a lot of the fandom is in agreement that Buck should be a proper dad before the show ends. whatever that looks like, if it's just a step-up (pun intended) in co-parenting Chris or he has his own kid, via adoption or with a girl. anyway you look at it, by the end of the show, someone will need to have called Buck "dad". with how much they've built him up as loving kids, i'd be pretty upset if the show ends without that.

so, i'm wondering, like, if the plan isn't to have bucktommy endgame (again it's too soon to call one way or another, so this is just all hypothetical) then i think the clearest way to end their relationship as a late-series event would be that: Buck wants kids. Tommy doesn't.

it would definitely be a sucker punch, but i also think it would be interesting to explore how Buck handles this situation, where the relationship doesn't end because either person wants it too (Ali) or because his partners prioritized other things over Buck's feelings (Abby and Taylor) but because their outlook on life is simply different. it's a juxtaposition to all of his other relationships, and it would be an incredibly mature storyline to follow as Buck grapples with wanting to be with Tommy but knowing in his heart he couldn't live his life like that. it'd take a crazy amount of maturity on his end to go through this in a healthy manner, but i think a late-series Buck is developed enough to do that.

so, as much as it'd be heart-wrenching, if they don't go the bucktommy endgame for this show, this is a way in which i envision them ending their relationship. and don't get me wrong, i love the fics with Tommy being adorable with Jee or an OC adopted kid he has with Buck, and just overall loving kids as much as Buck, but we just don't know enough about his character yet to know properly if that is what his attitude is.

just some food for thought.

#i've been rewatching Supergirl and Maggie and Alex's breakup is what inspired this post#so even though it'd be sad af (just like it was in SG!) i think it'd be a interesting way for them to end things with bucktommy#also no one take this the wrong way#i love bucktommy so f*cking much i'd be crushed if this is what they do#this is all just a theory folks#911 abc#911 show#911#evan buck buckely#evan buckley#bucktommy#911 tommy#tommy kinard#kinley#tevan#buck x tommy


Feb 17

(pardon me putting some rambling thoughts on your blog)

Some little things we know so far, mostly about "Shadow":

Shadow seemed slow to Sonic when he showed up at the very beginning. He could still keep up pretty well, though. Air shoes!!

Sonic hit his chin when he landed, so whatever's going on here probably isn't just because of a concussion. Though, well, we didn't see how Shadow landed...

The red (paint?) on Shadow is getting everywhere all of a sudden!

Actor!Shadow immediately goes for his inhibitor rings, which means he knows Character!Shadow's lore pretty well. I'm not sure Eggman would mention that detail to some hench-hedgehog...

Shadow here seems to take "Eggman hired you? Impressive!" to mean "You're an impressive actor", which is an unusual way to interpret that. It seems more like it's Eggman's audacity that Sonic meant was impressive, not Actor!Shadow's skill at pretending to be Character!Shadow.

Come to think of it, the Shadow we know has been in some pretty scary places before, it'd be interesting to hear how Actor!Shadow would describe those past adventures. Does he believe he filmed a flashback where he watched a fake Maria fake die? Would that cylinder he was in at that time have been bad for his claustrophobia?

Shadow has apparently never seen Sonic do cool stuff in person, or believes any previous spindash thingies were effects. But this one wouldn't get special effects since it wasn't scripted, I suppose?

Come to think of it, if they were being filmed, them going off-script should be making a lot of crew panic right now. Assuming Actor!Shadow isn't the only one involved with this "filming" idea, anyway, which is apparently Sonic's current theory.

What's that damaged bot doing there? Did it get hit by the spindash, or is that damage older?

That all sure is something, though I'm not sure what that all means. Maybe we'll find out Next Time, on Project Starlight Z!

Now THESE are the kind of posts that I love to answer! A long-form question requires a long form response (as much as I can respond, anyway)!

Excellent observations on our pal "Shadow" - air shoes indeed! I have more to say on the air shoes and special effects at a later date, but I think you'll find that a least a few points you bring up are going to be touched upon in upcoming pages!

As for a hypothetical crew hypothetically panicking, I think it'd be worth reexamining "Shadow"'s response to Sonic's reaction to all of this. Perhaps it'd give you a launching point ... not that you'll have to guess for much longer.

Also, a general note on the bot in the tunnel! You may find something interesting if you look at it very closely, given that this comic takes place after the events of Forces.

Next Time on Project Starlight!!!

#i love reading your guys' theories#please keep sending them in!#it fills me with more glee than i can ever express#<3#starlight au#project starlight#starlight ask tag!#mw replies


Oct 3, 2023

Sirius Black discovering otome/dating games through Mary when she brings some kind of muggle invention and becoming obsessed over it because he just wants to date everyone once but never manages to because he feels like cheating over his favorite one: the "book-lover that looks like a cinnamon roll but promises a treat if you can shut your mouth one bloody minute".

It's his guilty pleasure and he hides it from everyone, even James because he just knows he will want to date the tenebrous and bitchy character - which is the worst choice in Sirius' opinion.

Sirius has to share because Regulus, they are on better term but his brother is still a twat, discovers him on one of his secret outing and becomes as obsessed over the game as well. The whole perspective of choices, interactions based on how you play and the different variations of a dialogue or endings (not that they ever reached one) makes him too curious for his own good so he wants to do it all.

They fight over who they want to date, the choice of clothes and the dialogues. Sirius wants to pick the funniest or at least the more natural answers while Regulus calculates which one is the best even if it just sounds weird and out of character.

Once they manage to create a schedule, because Regulus won't leave Sirius alone, they share the game properly but they always erase the save of the other because they can't agree on the love interest. They use the excuse of "brother bonding time" to justify how many times they disappear together.

Sirius is very shocked to see Regulus always going after the guy always happy and laughing who speaks too much about sports, despite saying that the lack of glasses is a very bad choice, when he complains Regulus tells him that at least his boyfriend doesn't look like a wet overgrowth stick.

Let's just say whatever progress they have made on their relationship is thrown out of the window concerning their false boyfriends.

Regulus starts to make charts, billions of parchment, to catalog all the informations about the characters. He notes down all dialogues options and their hypothetical impact over the story and the characters they want to date with. He brings them over to argument over their choices and the sheer logic of it before hitting Sirius with it when he ignores it.

They lose their mind when they manage to get a date with a random character but they decide to go for it "to prepare themselves when they have the date they want to" . For it they plan a whole day alone free of any distraction, Sirius has taken on the habit to keep the Marauders' map to be sure no one finds him.

Regulus barely focuses on class and keeps checking the charts and memorizes every single details. Sirius prepares himself like he is going on a real date but like he might die if he isn't looking perfect, which confuses his friends because he tell them he is "spending time with Reggie".

Both actually agree on an outfit for their character that satisfies the both of them and Sirius actually remembers what kind of things the character likes so they are so ready. They are holding hands the whole time and stops breathing when the date starts - which is abruptly cancelled by their love interest upon noticing their outfit with the argument of 'you aren't what I expected'.

They don't take it well.

#hp marauders#regulus black#marauders#sirius black#starchaser#remus lupin#wolfstar#jegulus#star brothers#marauders headcanon#Myriadparacosm


Jul 4, 2023

Fanning the Flames



Satan asks you an interesting, yet personal question.

He isn't sure if he wants to know the answer.


I am obsessed with the daily chats in Nightbringer, especially Satan's "Surveying Potential Partners" 1-3. It's so cute.

I wanted to write a fic based on them. I hope you enjoy it. :)

(Nightbringer Spoilers)

Word Count: 1,084


Satan's wrath was like a raging fire that burned within him, threatening to break out and destroy anything in its path. That fire followed him wherever he went, suffocating him until he could only feel blind rage.

Although Satan could never completely snuff that flame out, there were times when it'd subside to the point where he could breathe a little—those moments mainly happened when you were around. It was strange, but you were one of the only people unafraid of him whenever he flew into another one of his destructive rampages. You were always patient with him but firm, almost as though you had dealt with this sort of stuff before.

Either way, how you treated him filled him with a new emotion he had never felt before. It wasn't wrath nor the neutral sensation of being 'fine' that he had grown accustomed to. It was a feeling that made Satan long to be near you, think about you every day, and wonder when he’d see you again. He blamed it for forcing him to invite you to the House of Lamentation today.

Right now, you sat in the armchair across from him, drinking a hot cup of your favorite drink. A book laid in your lap. The library was quiet enough that Satan could hear the paper crinkle each time you turned a new page. He had a book and drink of his own, but he could hardly focus on them when you were right there. He tapped the cover of his book while he snuck a few glances your way.

Before Satan could process what he was doing, he piped up, “Hypothetically speaking, if you could date one of us brothers, who would it be?”

You paused mid-page-turn, and Satan realized the gravity of what he had just said. He tried to hide his burning face behind his book, but that proved to be useless. Your laughter made him peek out to see that familiar smug expression plastered across your face.

“Does it have to be one of your brothers?” you asked, placing your mug and book on the side table.

Huh. You had been spending so much of your time at the House of Lamentation that he had assumed that you were romantically interested in at least one of them. Satan supposed that Simeon lived here, too, so you could be coming over to see him. Then again, you did live with Solomon, and your relationship with that sorcerer was a little…odd.

You laughed again. Satan shook his head. “Please, don’t tease me like this,” he said.

“Sorry, sorry,” you said, covering up your mouth. You stopped laughing, your subsequent sentence coming off a little more serious. “Are you sure you can handle the answer to that question?”

Satan dug his fingers into his knees. “Yes.”

You sat up straight. “Alright, but can I give you a hint, instead? I’m a little shy.”

You didn’t sound particularly shy to him, but Satan knew that a hint was all he could take. He wasn’t sure if he could handle you saying a name out loud, especially if it was anything other than his name spilling out of your lips.

"That's fine."

"Okay, let's see…" You tapped the bottom of your lips a couple of times. Satan had to look away. "Well, they're cute."

"That's not particularly descriptive."

"I suppose you're right," you said, "Let me think of another one."

Butterflies fluttered around anxiously in his stomach, and his head buzzed with anticipation. There was a real possibility that you didn't see Satan as a potential romantic partner at all. He wouldn't blame you if that were the case. Even Satan had to admit that his temper tantrums were a significant flaw on his part. Still, even the mere idea of you not liking him back made his heart ache terribly.

"Go on," he said, his leg bouncing up and down. He didn't want to rush you, but you were taking so long.

"My, my, aren't you anxious?"

"...A little," he admitted.

You smiled apologetically. "Fine, I'll stop teasing you." You moved to sit a little more comfortably. "Uh, the brother I would date is intelligent…"

So, that took away Mammon and maybe Beelzebub.

"...they're pretty outgoing, in my opinion…"

That left him, Asmodeus, and Lucifer.

Satan tensed up. This was so much worse than he thought it would be. So much worse. He was only a few seconds away from calling the whole thing off.

"...I would say they are sophisticated when they want to be…"

That only left him and Lucifer.

Please, don't let it be Lucifer. Please, don't let it be Lucifer. Please don't let it be Lucifer.

Satan was about to combust on the spot. The anxiety welled up in his chest, making it more and more difficult to think rationally. Was this how Leviathan felt all of the time?

"...and they're someone I like to spend time with." You looked him directly in the eye. Satan hoped that you didn't notice him jump. "Even when we're not actively doing anything, just being with them is enough to make me happy."

Satan stared at his hands. The fire inside of him burned with a higher intensity than he was used to, but it wasn't of the same wrath he had always felt. His skin was hot and his head tingled, but it wasn't an unpleasant feeling. Quite the opposite.

"I–" Satan realized that he didn't know what to say. "Thank you. I feel quite relieved."

"Does that answer your question?" You smiled like you weren't the one responsible for his dangerously fast heartbeat.

Satan chose his words carefully. "Yes, it does," he said quietly.

"Good," you replied, picking up your book and flipping to where you had left off, "I'm glad."

Satan returned to his own book but still struggled to pay attention, now for an entirely different reason. Giddiness blossomed inside him, and it took everything in his power not to outwardly show it. Although it was only hypothetical, the fact that you would choose him to date out of the rest of his brothers made him feel warm and fuzzy.

It was him, you would choose him. The weight of your words lifted his spirit, and he found solace in the fact that you saw something in him worth pursuing. As he tried to focus on his book, his mind danced with bliss, cherishing the knowledge that you, above all others, had chosen him.

#Obey Me#Obey Me Satan#Obey Me MC#Satan/Reader#Fanfic


May 6

Logan's Criminal

Ships: Intrulogical (Logan x Remus)


"What?" He asked quietly, his heart sinking.

Logan shrugged a little "I don't know you just give off that vibe plus it would make life interesting."

Remus stares at him.

"I'm not sure if I should be offended by that statement or not." He jokes. His heart beating faster as he leaned closer.

Logan chuckled a little "Well I don't think you should because I seem to have an unfortunate tendency to fall in love with criminals" he mumbled before hiding his face a little.

Unfortunate Tendency?

"That's a little ironic considering your occupation."

Logan looks at him. "It really is though I suppose my job isn't worth much compared to a person I love" he said with a sigh as he shifted so he was almost sitting on Remus.

Remus smiles softly at Logan wrapping his arms around him.

Logan smiled a little and looked at Remus' face before looking away with a tiny blush playing with Remus' fingers "Rem can i ask you something?"

"Of course. What is it?" Remus asked nervously.

Another question. Great.

"Have you ever been on a date?" Logan asks

Remus looks at him and just stares.

"No. I haven't." His eyes wandered elsewhere. He frowned at the answer he had given, it was the truth. He felt... Embarrassed. Sure, Remus f*cks around, he'd f*cked quite a few guys throughout his life, but there was never anything there. Nothing at all. It was never serious. Most of the time he'd never see them again. And the other times, well, he'd get paid. It was a win-win for both of them. They'd get the pleasure they wanted, something Remus didn't often get out of the exchange. And he'd get paid. But there was nothing romantic nor serious about it.

His eyes finally meet Logan's again. "Why?"

"No reason just curious that brings me onto another question do you have a boyfriend?" Logan asked this as he wanted to make sure he wasn't letting his head fall for a taken man.

The question catching him off guard. His eyes flicker back up to Logan's.

What was he trying to say?

Remus sighed, "No, I don't." Shocker.

"Logan, are you . . Asking me out?" He asks slowly. He had to be joking.

Logan nods a little before looking up at Remus "do you accept?" He asks hesitantly, holding eye contact.

Remus blinks staring at him.

So Logan did like him. He was asking him out.

He clearly didn't know what he was getting himself into or the mistake he was making. No one stays forever. Everyone eventually leaves. It's inevitable. Remus had learned it the hard way. But the thing was as much as he didn't want to admit it, he had fallen for Logan. It wasn't supposed to happen he had promised himself not to make the mistake of getting attached to someone, it would only hurt them both in the long run.

But it was the truth, the way he felt around Logan was... different.

He puts a hand under Logan's chin, staring into his eyes- "Yes, Lo. I accept." He responds back, surprising himself. Why the hell did he do that?

Logan didn't know what to do except smile softly. He did end up taking off his glasses as he had a headache and Remus was close enough that Logan could see him perfectly fine.

Remus smiles and closes his eyes. "How long have you had these feelings?" He asks softly.

Logan took a deep breath "A few months. I didn't say anything as I thought you already had someone"

Remus opens an eye looking down at him smiling a little.

Logan blushes bright red.

Remus opens his other eye gazing at Logan. He wore a goofy grin on his face.

Logan mumbles "You are the best person I know even if you end up being my worst enemy" he joked continually staring.

Remus' grin faded a bit, he manages a small laugh, the thoughtunsettling him. He stared deeply into his eyes as he pulls him up further into his lap, holding him closer.

Logan smiled more and snuggled into Remus his heart beating hard in his chest as he looked at the man in front of him.

Remus smiles gazing into his eyes.

"Hypothetically: if I wanted to kiss you right now, would you allow me to?" He asks. He immediately flushed a light pink. Surprising himself once again.

Logan looks at Remus and nods "certainly" he states simply as his face flushed.

A slightly darker shade than Remus'

Remus snickers, before pulling him into a kiss.

Soft and brief.

Logan kissed back slowly after he processed what happened. Something he thought would never happen. The whole situation was surreal.

Remus smiles into the kiss. A genuine smile.

Logan pulls away after a few seconds to stare at Remus again. Staring back into his emerald eyes.

Remus stares back smiling at the man in front of him. Maybe this could work out. Just maybe.

Previous Chapter Next Chapter

#remus sanders#ts remus#sander sides#tss#thomas sanders#intrusive thoughts#the duke#ts logic#logan sanders#ts logan#intrulogical fanfic#fanfiction#sanders sides fanfiction#fanfic#intrulogical#detective x criminal#chapter two


May 12, 2023

Reading your analysis on the nature of Marcus and Simon relationship made me think of the kiss scene at the rowing competition and Marcus’ text to Simon in episode 5.

I think Marcus kissed Simon in front of everyone but especially Wilhelm on purpose. At first, I thought he was being clueless but now I’m not too sure. He knew Simon was still hurting over Wilhelm, saw them interact during the competition and probably thought he should send the message that Simon is “taken”. And Marcus’ actions here are the opposite of taking things slow. There was no consent when he pulled Simon to kiss him. And the way he said that we’ll get them next year like he’s decided that they’ll be in a long term relationship was so off putting. Do you think Marcus intentionally kissed Simon in front of Wille?

Also, near the beginning of episode 5, Marcus texted Simon if he could stay over at his place since he couldn’t the night before. I was confused on why Marcus would still push for this since in the previous episode at the ball, he saw Simon and Wilhelm come out of hiding. He must’ve known that something happened between those two because he looked sad in the next scene. It couldn’t be more obvious to Marcus that Simon is not interested. So why keep pushing for him to stay over? Desperation? And hypothetically, if Simon did agree to sleep over, was Marcus not gonna bring up his suspicions about him and Wilhelm at all? Why act like nothing happened? He seems to be the type that pretends everything is fine and only bring up the issue when they are having a disagreement. Which is what basically happened during their final conversation. What did you think Marcus’ motive was when he texted Simon?

Hi anon! I do agree with you that there is a degree of willful ignorance and possession in Marcus kissing Simon like that and still inviting him to spend the night after seeing him with Wilhelm at the ball. I also think you're right that he has a pattern of pushing down frustration that results in him snapping at Simon when they finally do break up.

I don't necessarily think that Marcus was consciously sitting at home scheming about how to best ambush Simon or get back at Wilhelm; as @bluedalahorse said to me on the phone last night (to my great delight) "he is simply not that deep". But it all seems like part of a kind of unconscious pattern for him.

This is inspired by @bluedalahorse's excellent post on heterosexuality as a political label in Young Royals, but the way that Marcus approaches relationships feels... very heteronormative? Ok, hang with me here. I know he's dating another man. But the way he approaches the steps of a relationship feels very in line with heterotemporality and the relationship escalator. Marcus is very insistent that if he and Simon sleep together right away, it means the relationship isn't as real. This is different than saying "I'm personally not comfortable having sex right away"; he's framing it in a moral way. This reminds me of old straight dating maxims, like waiting to have sex until the third date, because otherwise the woman is a slu*t and the man is just using her for sex. All the other steps that Marcus rolls out in the relationship (kissing Simon in public, going on a date with Simon in public at the ball, asking Simon to spend the night finally) feel like they are on a pre-ordained timeline, with each step indicating a growing commitment to being Serious Boyfriends. It doesn't matter that Simon hasn't signed up for this timeline. Marcus isn't going to deviate from it.

Contrast that with Wilhelm and Simon, whose relationship is full of ebbs and flows. They never do things the traditional order, partially because they can't because of the royal family, but also partially because they don't need to. Their physical connection holds its own unspeakable magic, and it doesn't have anything to do with proving the state of their relationship.

(I think it will be interesting to see if Simon's official introduction into the royal family in season 3 puts some of this to the test. I wouldn't be surprised if the royal family pushes Wilhelm and Simon to make their relationship conform to a heteronormative timeline now that they are public. I can see that being very frustrating for both of them. But that's another meta for another time!)

I do have one last Marcus thought, which is not necessarily directly connected to your thoughts, anon, but I wanted to include here in case I don't end up writing about him again. In my last post about Marcus I talked about the subtle classism that Marcus exhibits in his breakup with Simon, but I should also probably have been talking about the impact that race has in that scene. I don't think we can discount that Marcus is white and Simon is the Latino son of immigrants when we look for explanations for the sudden venom in Marcus's voice. If there is a subtle class power imbalance in their relationship then there is also probably a subtle racial power imbalance at work as well. And I think that informs Marcus's words in that scene.

Ok, those are my thoughts for now! As always I appreciate the ask. I love talking character analysis with you all.

#young royals#simon eriksson#marcus young royals#my meta#ask box


Mar 2

Asks are getting kinda long so. Mostly, I wonder why Reddit is so ticked off at Mac lmao. Everywhere I go, it's either insane villain apologism by making the hero pathetic and wrong, or extreme villain antagonism by overblowing consequences. Bud got dragged out of hell after centuries, got a super snack out of MK's powers, vented in a theatre before a trauma flashback of MK coming to whoop his butt reminded him of SWK and couldn't even skedaddle before Not-Mayor forced him into a symmetrical wardrobe, I mean. an unwilling henchminion arc, and proceeded to get his butt whooped by the gang who love to target his trauma eye and get looney tunes whumped by electrocution in a giant lantern, tossed over a ship, and my little pony friendship is magic style song blasted in his ears. and whatever hell portal Not-Mayor dunked his head in while chained up, a few times over. he was about to throw up with that face he made when LBD semi-possessed him. I think that's enough consequences, he already got The Talk(tm) tied up again w MK, (a compliant hostage) and mostly keeps vagueing warnings to the squad, being very idgaf about LBD. Not much villain behavior compared to others I've seen. He's not even an anti-villain, he's just a self-driven traumatized survivor who vents to people in ambiguous closed off ways and tends to cross over into jerk territory. So I'm here like, are half of tumblr/reddit posts out-dated, bc if someone isn't salty about S1 Mac (rare) they are TICKED about past!Mac (frequent) to which I ask, what did bro DO. I have never seen fandom run on such hypothetical anger before. What I miss, because past!Mac's issues are just vocalized as "never made his own choices." which, is NOT a thing to apologize abt? if anything, it would fuel the fire? It sounds like a reason to ditch your friends instead of following along and passively complaining. A lot of it is also abandoning SWK, but. he visited the mountain? I see a lot about Flower Fruit burning taken from JTTW which is interesting (so yeah, I think fandom relies on the book a lot for their character feelings) bc SWK learns that after beating LBD three times WHICH IS INTERESTING because Mac says "looks like OUR OLD FRIEND The Lady Bone Demon is back" our old friend?? OUR?? by osmosis I thought their break up happened because they couldn't beat her together, and then I watched the show and there was nothing on that. but since learning the twitter post theory about memory manip, well. ShadowPeach just got more tragic. its too bad tho, I would've loved a story of accidentally killing your best friend and realizing after instead of another oh no it was this other villain behind it. but alright. it makes too much sense tho based on SWK's reactions.

OH I DIDNT EVEN CATCH THAT “OUR” bit!! it does beg the question a little bit of “why did she resurrect him then,” but at the same time, it’s a very interesting theory!!

#ask!!#anon ask!!#also yeah that’s why i don’t tend to use reddit much lmao#i mean. tbf i do complain about tumblr macaque fans bc they f*cking Sandpaper him#but yeah it is so funny like.#mac’s right there and he’s an interesting character and it’s like.#wow#for such a popular character a lot of ppl don’t actually get him even a little bit


Dec 17, 2023

Hey Destiny, I don't know if you are still going to do confessional Sundays, but I have one, but I know ppl aren't going to like it.

1. I feel some tomdayas do too much with timdayas. I'm aware this is very unpopular, but let me explain. I'm not a timdaya, but I was a Timothee stan before I was a Tomdaya stan, so my perspective may be different. I feel Tomdayas need to accept that tindayas are going to exist and to stop giving them so much attention. This is not the first time both Tim and Z in their careers, are going to play with love interests that don't reflect their personal life(Timothee with Taylor in Bones and all whilst dating Kylie and Zendaya with Hunter and Mike and Josh while being with Tom).

Back in the day, actors had so much variety in their roles that had Z or Timothee been this age in the 90s, they would have been in 100 romcoms by now and ppl would be shipping them with their costars. It's not a reflection in real life. The insecurity projected unto Z is so weird because this same insecurity is never placed on Tom, and he had a makeout scene in TCR. No one thought he was dating his costar. It's obvious some Tomdayas are insecure, and tbh it's silly cause if you truly are a fan of both of them, you would know that the insecurity comes from film twitter and is not reflection in real life. Tom and Z love each other so much and have priotised so much being together. Only idiots think Timothee is a threat, lol. I also blame the lack of media literacy in this current generation. They see opinionated posts online and assume they are true, like aunties and uncles on Facebook, lol.

Timothee, respectfully, is a good actor but uses pr to benefit his films just like most actors. I saw some Tomdayas annoyed that he gifted Z wonka special edition shoes, assuming that he is trying to get with Z and is jealous of Tom. Are we bffr rn???? They are friends, nothing more, lol.

It seems you guys were not here last year for Bones and all promotion in Venice when Timothee and Taylor were PRing like their lives depended on it. Red carpet moments, TNT posts, and overall flirtatious interviews. At the time, I really thought they had something going on because i was gullibe and was happy. timothee was giving a black woman attention, lol. It was a self-fulfilling prophercy until, after the promotion of the film, when I saw them not liking each others posts, Taylor only praised Luca or did not hang out even when they were in the same city. It was then I realised it was just a job for them, lol. Its the same with Glen and Sydney doing the most to sell a film because its their job, lol.

I've been a fan of Timothee the longest, and most of his dating history happens offcamera than on until he started dating Kylie. I'm aware he dated Eiza and Lily, but when they dated, he barely spoke about them ever. Even when Lily and him had the King, they didn't stand next to each other on the red carpet, lol. Whether you like the pairing or not, this is who he wants to be with, and it's not Z, lol. Tom isn't insecure about Timothee at all. Timothee called him the rizz master for a reason. If anything, it's the other way round lol but that's for another discussion.

Paul and Chani's romance is going to be like the star was for our generation. Certain fans need to let go of this hypothetical insecurity that what's on screen is gonna be translated in real life. There's a reason why they didn't touch each other during the red carpet because both sides do too much.

There's also a consequence playing up to the romance of your titular characters in real life, Corey and India were close in the beginning of the pr of Queen Charlotte and towards the end in Brazil they bareley acknowledged because fans did too much and so did they lol.

The only way actors can do "showmances" is very early in theory careers as they don't have an established fanbase. In the new hunger games films, Tom blyth and Rachel Zegler have great chemistry, but they both have partners in real life, and so there's a line they don't cross and are still very popular. There are fans who want them together, but that's a loud minority.

Timothee and Z are well established in their careers, and it wouldn't make sense to do that.

Hopefully, I made sense, and you have a nice day!!


Wow... this was a LOT Anon lol....

I'll try to answer your confession as succinctly as I can lol 😆

Hey Destiny, I don't know if you are still going to do confessional Sundays, but I have one, but I know ppl aren't going to like it.

Actually, yes! 75% of you said that you wanted to keep doing Confession Corner Sundays, so my inbox is open on Sundays for that.

Should I Bring Back "Confession Corner" Sundays? 🤔YesNoWhat's that?? 😅

You have to make sure you mention in your ask that it's a confession, and I'll know to treat it as such. 😊

Anyway, in answer to your ask.... I really don't think it's so much that Tomdaya fans are threatened by Timmy (let's get real), as it's more that we're sick and tired of some people seriously shipping them the ACTORS with each other when they are both in relationships with other people.

Also, when you blog, you do tend to see more nonsense coming into your inbox from trolls, so it might get more annoying 😑 than it would possibly for others who are just casually looking at things on the internet.

But yea, we all know that Tom and Z are basically married to each other by this point rofl, so it's not that we're "afraid" smthg would happen btwn her and Timmy lol. 😅 We just think it's very disrespectful for fans to be shipping her with her costar or trying to read into things that aren't even there. 🙄

Tbh, most of us just roll our eyes at Timdaya shippers and keep it moving. Most of us aren't giving them any real care like that.... at least, not on my blog.

We recognize the weirdness and laugh at it honestly. Trust me, MOST Tomdaya shippers aren't worried lol 😆 😂 Maybe the Tomdaya newbies are who you're referring to? But us old heads are like, been there, done that lol.

Back in the day, actors had so much variety in their roles that had Z or Timothee been this age in the 90s, they would have been in 100 romcoms by now and ppl would be shipping them with their costars. It's not a reflection in real life.

Actually, I challenge you on this. Would celebrities of the 90s be "shipped" with their costars? I don't really think so. 🤔 I don't think people shipped actors with each other like that. That seems to be smthg that grew out of more modern times. I kind of feel like back then, people were happy to see their favorite actors in a role together, but nobody really blurred the lines and tried to read more into a costar than necessary unless there were actual rumors of an off-camera romance btwn the two.

Someone can correct me if I'm wrong, but I just don't think that shipping was a thing back in the 90s. Most people probably knew the boundaries, especially if that actor was already in a serious dating relationship with someone else.

Most people didn't even know much about celebrities outside of what they saw in interviews, and there wasn't social media, so what on earth was there to ship exactly? 😅🤷🏾‍♀️

The insecurity projected unto Z is so weird because this same insecurity is never placed on Tom, and he had a makeout scene in TCR. No one thought he was dating his costar.

I blame the fans honestly. Z is also a woman, so she probably gets treated differently than her male counterparts.

SOME antis have tried it in the past when they tried to insinuate that smthg was going on with Tom and Sofia Ali, Tom and Emma, Tom and Ciara Bravo, etc. It's very small, but it has happened before. The reaction is the same.... we don't like it. 🤷🏾‍♀️ It's disrespectful.

It's one thing to say that two actors would look "cute" together, vs. "Smthg happened btwn them on set during filming...", or, "Did you see the way he looked at her? There's for sure smthg going on there, and they're just itching to break up with their significant others to finally be together like they've always wanted..." 🙄

Anyway.... I DO agree that fans shouldn't put too much stock into what weirdos say online. Weirdo Shippers are going to exist regardless... that just comes with the territory unfortunately 😕.

#confession corner Sunday
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