Beaver Dam Daily Citizen from Beaver Dam, Wisconsin (2024)

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Beaver Dam Daily Citizeni

Beaver Dam, Wisconsin

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BIOOMt State 7X( A Meeting Ever Held pnr bou i (7 7 Manitowoc" the scene of the next Arm nurr a i' (WSSOO 5 7 7 I A It 4 Iccrtath property or salary quaiifica 1 a A 5 he Highest Class Talking tf I 4 fc 3 'f evening the following elective officers ere selected for the year asa A wj 4i Mi WMfPteSSK Black Silk Stove Polish 1 imiirl ftS or 'J JillRonf' 7 A Chandler i' Snyder OIt ROAR Ju the elections eoon to 'ite held in Jamaica the women of that i Island are to be privileged to vote for the first time Under a new law every 4 woman is entitled tothe franchise who is 25 years of age readt and write ad is pf British nations Ik I ty providing also that" she' possesses aw in nM Aiiannnrv iXwt appointment Mth tljetate lettered degrees below teio dustrial coininiBslon asan mmctori I spent Sunday at tinned cold weather is forecast 1 le loft that evettf ng for Superior Win 8 foWaduesday '4 tt where he will make his headquarters 8 8 or the time being rf A i Ba OB water mark? being shoved up another notch Villi JOO five men teams Ap proximately $9000 will be used i for prizes besides several medals'cups bowling other prizes? for scores in the various events' the Beaver Dam City league are several teams that should go to the state meet as they are without addi tional The Monarchs fire go ing and Elser Co' havealready been entered Perhaps the old "Bon Ton tlve'wlll get into action and make the trip to Manitowoc! Super Six BIG RAPIDS Mich Dec (Spe cial) Three persons are dead1 and another is partially blinded as the re sult of a fire last night which com pletely? destroyed Jhe Mercys hospital fief6'AU the dead a nd injured were patients at the hospital 5 An explosion in the furnace room caused the Are which resulted In a loss of 175000 Thirteen patients in the hospital were cavort s' sayea 4 OTK Itoku IIOXUS 4 I NIGHT IN PARIES WILL BE Ktopighfr'wiil be one of thj biggest hits of the jseasonia5ioveltydances new nnd different from anything eiso evqri offered here "will he the? center attention tonight i Many? of the dances offered tonight taken "from moving pictures Parisian twill be'given away These' novelties will give thedances a unique taste and add much' to the prevailing spirit 'merrimenL A If tWuic 5 Onfe Red Comedy LlAMUpE BAVISOmWMQRRte liff WW JtUUTJS 78 ouamtv (vx'J WsAS W83 i HIS instrument is of marvelous tonal beauty is supreme among phonographs' 4 graceful handsome design lines 'l'T iSnd for richness and nerfectinn nf mu Is expression thb Sonora (which plays all disc records perfectly without 5 attarhmpnta 1 'MMX Pric9 wo to iiooQbJ Mprifcg mu CASCARAby QUININ As 'Wd Standard coM ramedy for to yeara a Xaaa Mm opiain oreaks np mm in 'll Bourweitcvea gnp Moncy back if ft us Th genuine dob nas a km tQP Wtm piGtyrea At AuDSm uocaiNotRuK? Oft iut 4 Tifiwt ln Qtkw' 12 Does a dry cough keep you awake? BALSAM will stop the tlcklp S' that makes you cough QUARANTEEO 1 LffJEP if as a TheCdld Momih insi rsirar wr The world la hungry for thethinge we eat wear and use Stark hungry cupboard io bare aa abone 'prices mount to staggering figures and the' cry of our worker more pay: shorter and then a shortage shoots ths price of things up Another notch again the cry more pay less hours I Ye Goda I ust vicioua circle continue? Shall we never see that it is more hours we necdj that to reduce the cost of the things we i use must produce not less 5 ust received a cablegram from my brother in London' reading i prices awful hopeless sailing home Oh If Americans would grasp their Prices had gotten so high in' this country and merchandise so scarce we sent two(of our firm abroad? hoping to flnd what wd needed and at lower prlces The cable message Is the answer! Merchandise Is seven shorter onthe other side than here 'They have nothing to sell and their shelves are? bare They want to? to buy from to buy the things that Americans and the answer of our workers reduce our'hours 44hours a week Instead of at cut in produc tion of 25 percent The writer sympathizes thosq who work He understands (what hard work privation and the struggle of life he has lived it He has walked eight miles a day to eirn fifty cents carrying water for the workers who built the town of Pullman He has flatten out af herf i to milk 15 cows'on a morning He has put in 15 hours a 4y In a store' He is not a natpraj bbrn plutocrat I eicci worKerv ne iceis tnat ne Knows xne neeas ot 4 those who strugglfT but anyone woyld be ipdedd foolish who failed to see that the waste of time by carpenter plumber or other worker Id turn raised the price of rent raised the price of tht very clothes tht 4he yore ghd everythingpsed'byjtlmorjils fellow worker k' hours' Ip the clyhasmadp the farm worker restless he Short hours and increased payIMay Kind Providence preserve' frm workers insist on 44 benrs per week eight hour a Vou friend wl II go hungry fartp 800 acres and I know what short hours In the city Is doing for the farm JWe may keep high wagep keep our present scale and still ireduce the cost pf living by aernple good hard hon st flhful not 8 hours rather' 10 and then some Let us for onp year a least resolve wprk andjwork like i amjHBS tttesSMBsMteagszesasmBawag bUUU roUriX 4 'A City Built and Burned The Greatest I motional Actress tn tncdcrcen lateral Muai edr 1 fewisofe mxV4tqnightA 01CERS0RW20 AT 8 i AT BEAVERK HALL ELECnOKO OICERS! i IVVv I attheMasonic Teiuple'on k''l Wm Wise onsinj Bowling' TourntfmenL making plans? to entertain the biggest congregation ever assent 1 bled in tbu state und the largest state! bowling tournament ever field jn the United States' aJ Rented nt thh meet''In past years Ihis city has sent two teams to' the state meet but this year with thrtx hnwHnp frnnio nnnitlnr ifr hcie at least six or eight teams oiiould be entered It expected now' khat over 650 live meu iuuiii: win uuivi in mw iuuit A namonf nni th rhno nr th I A NlgTit In Paris dance at Annory credited In advance of matiirlty and not earned approxliuate Amount reaerved tor tuxes accrued Amount reserved fur a 1 1 IntereaVnc erued UlrCiilattifS notes outstaudin ir cashier' checkon own iwuk' out Handing 1 Tttnl nf tttfimc'n amt ftfl I deposits subject to check 386 Oil 1 1 Certificates of deposits due In lessv than3)dajaotner tnsnfor money Inrrowed A 7I528J 19 Total demand deposits other than liattk deposits auhlect to reserve Items 34 30 38 37 38 Slid 39 iM Certificate of deposit other than fur luoney borrowed 199613 Postal Savina Deposits 2798 13 Other time deposits 8j time deposits subject to re serve Items 404142 and 4317694111 Zl Liabilities other than those abuts stated Victory Loan Notes IieposlL Account 74O: amount lurdcpre elfitlon stocks and bonds6MC0 IWI241 88 brAiKor Wiswaa i County of Dodge 1 A ll Chondicr Cashler ut the above named bank do sotannlv swear that Hie above statement Is true to the best of my knowledge and bellefA BA II MLli fl Cashlt Hnliscriinid HmhsWoni to before me thia 261 day of hovember pn A 4t KCh (skill) 'vSJSS hotary Publie' ij uir Dodge County Wit Cornel Attest 7' e' 4 If A Iivh It 1 1 Me I SH Ya 5 1 McCLUhi: s14lrectdrs 7 No 4602 REPORT? (lie eimtiUlon otjtbe AMBUICAX Ntr Ii AL UAhK BetmJr Imnr tn Ute tsuto of Wisconsin at the close of business un November lilJbWiiV ttrsoUKiKS I twins arid Dlscouit(slncludliig'rt dbu ounts except those show irln 1 i Sa 6761 06 Overdrafts ui secured 709 hi Deposited to secure circulation bonds par value jfiiUOooobo Pledged to secure ti deposit par value! 130010 00 Owned and unpledged 156 3 09 WarSavtngs Lerllncatcsand 1 hrltt btampsactuailyowncd HU) Total US Government securities l7oiuU09 Bonds other than 8 ponds pledg ed to secure I deposits 2lc162 19 Sei uritles other than dS bonds not includiua stocks lined unpledged Sv hi 101 bonds securitks etc other 1' tnan a Slock of ederal licsere Bank 50 per Cciii ui ipiiunk Value of banstag bouse owned and ul)J ncu bered nvu 1390090 'urnlturs and fixtures Kcal estate turned plfii't than bank Inghoipiu I Bank Cash In vault net amount duo front Nofof BaniiJ4ft! reportM Of tlie cohdltlon of 'Tim tiW Natlmmi llaim" at Ib avcr Dam lit" tint1 Htid of Wlmmrln a the dost of buslucss on emhe ijl 1919 1 tV'BWkM MM Loam and discount Including ro dUi ounls except those shown I andc Maur tn rawj (pertlrafts secured none unaecurt wj Dcpusttcu to secme elicuiuion i honds par value wwini zj ft nifivlirAit ti adsMtv ff alAftfi4la' fvvi a IC' IBVU SOI a MS I A VJ rain UOIKJOWI )w ned and t'tiplcdcjd I tel llt yA War Savings L'ertlncau and Thrift Sla nips actually ofn 1 19 55 total uovernpie iiccunijviouv ufiirr iuku i iu4iu pivug IU Ut arpUM! DnndR other than bonda p1cd td to wcure pontgl sat Inga deposits a A Hoeurlllea other tbaa boons now i IUU1UUIUK HLWM) VWIICM 113741161 Collateral 1 rust and other noli of coriioratlons Issued ton not li than onwycarnurjnorelhan thrcoi year' time 1492500 filial hoiid iaeeiirith etc other thin Us: 5XJoi Stock other tlrah1 ederal Reserve Bank stock 7rW stoek of ederal Reserve Bank per cent ol subscript loti 31X1900 iiullyln Baitklng hiiuve aLOOuuu iirniiureand Hunreii 5 txxiuj Rial taleowntd other than bank Ing house '3499 12 Lawful reserve with ederal Reserve Hank 547868 Cash In vault and net amount duo from national bank 49 N' amount due from hanks bauk 'i neand trust companies other than Included In Items 12 13 or 14 466319 Check on other banka In Hie same city or town as reporting liank" other than Item 16 619 80 Total ol Item 13 1 4 16 16 and 17 i i 14265339 heck on banks located outside ol city or town of reporting bank and' 1 other cash tteunin 14 1318 20 Uedem nt Ion fund with US Jrcasurer and due from US Treasurer: 41wo 00 Interest earned but notcollcctcd ap proximaie won nute juiu uiiia nv VI HVlr wll" O' her assets It anyt Victory Nolen customers count a a Capital stock paid ill Ahrnlfhfii4 A Undivided profits'vOlUI '18 Imib iif'dtnt tunC8 InffrrMt Jinrl' tavrapald? 1433232 46779 06 Interest amt discount collected or 329990 300 00 '1390 Oil 80900 00 AC YeL Miss IManr Leonard' Mary 'Leonard 62 yoara old died at the hpnt9ohicr Bistor Mrs IL Tobin fortuge on'Suadity fol' losing a long ilnesi) Miss Leonard' forrncrly lived at Mini neaota Junction and hpd 'iomdcd al Portage with her' sister for th publi ten years uneral scrylcejvfore hold at Horis con thisinorpngandJ murial ln 's Ugthollc ccmefcry there A 'dJ OB HOAD TbeWomatfk Club of Topoh ish Jutva a Jkriw VQOOOQ SQ COMMON COUNCIL Wff TONIGHT Tho7rccula4 Dseocmbcr meeting of be 5 the city fiall this Evening The regular routine of bujineslt la scheduled Iqt transaction 1 1 vs 7 4 it inijL' T7PIDEMICS LA GRIPPE 'W ocn me wnp fl eavc mny wm? f'peniistent wean nJ coughs that I hni on for months if neglected Leaves 1 QU liere is one reliable family cough 1 medicine inai neins irnm rny wrv iVltn A'l nilfirfl ret dose It relieves the tightnessJI lUt(txJVUKU ftand toreneu coven the inflamed surfaces 3 "'With a soothing heahofi coating loosen and aid in expelling fihlegtn and mucus clear the air passages ease bogrseneii and banishes nervous tichliog hithe throat That remedy is J'4' KAf bi 5fcV nJ "6 Vi 45 1 Hohev and Tai 4 4 J' Compound A It no opium morptiihe chioroiorm or other injurious old time home remedy combining tno curative effects of pine tar and hooey with plants and herbs found ip forest an Acid? Banished La Grippe Coughs i 'ilAvrit Nawmae 606H Narthnnd St Charleston am la4 tolall yeu that Honey o'nd Taft A is the best remedy far lung trouble I hare aver us4 I hevo beta down stab aver since January and nothing would do mo any good I wee full of cold I bad tp allvrinfer UBtil I got two Kta bottles nt oliys Honey and Ter I used 1) bottles I am glad to say I a can't fool any merf cold in my chest oley Honey find Tar Corripound gives vewifflAf Irnm mitdha rnlla hnrinAi i tickling whooping coujjb spasmodic tenl hMiftAnSal indhfi jsi if 1 i Hold Everywhere iWWARAVAY Beaver' Dam Should Enter Several 'V a Ai 5 i We iddle and iddle While Rome Burns! ph! ThrPity 6f It! A CAITEIl President Capper PurMapleSap SyrupB A S' 4y Geittmans SanitdryGrocery REPORTMASSACREAMERICAN TUTORS INGERMANY ISLPASO'Texas Dec: (Special) (Ry Miftj)CoMenz fis A sensational story fit tho slaighriat)Cg report an American fi7( Carninw soldiers of Rancho tvvit1i American teacher has been erec RsiNiln iriirriRArt hv 1 OMl'6VHIfatnt'4 fit i ft cu ior me ueitem army oniccrs wno credited along tlborfler despite' oifi established their families iu the 4 ihi (wiiium Aiuonp nun? town idovai oj th? In' El after tnU0pgwljfi the Jure' iiomis roiegrupu 'Oijice qpay eiupitavquiiy MWJJKSwHwWWBWKKJ expressed fits dlbelleiu thq reported a Coldist Yet VOTir roll IUHU fll8J is Better tnan an average team us thn Wevnnhere Goodvear five? and Drugstores Sell It? there is plenty of material among local jivc millio beODlfi bowlers to combine into two morej i U3C to KILL COLDS good teams av incn wouia nave jusi aa good a chance to in? the prigel' 1 list as any live irom tuts etty a i1 All Saturday find Sunday 'dates are taken Secretary enske says but by writing now most anyweekklay date can fhe 'secured and advice to teams expecting to eflter is to not wait untij the last two weeks but get in early and Becure thei dates most convenient ny for' your Entry blanks can be had at Hawley Vorecks cigar store OR KO1U ('VV 4 V1 THREEDIEIN 5rU UlttUN sfr ert Mix fix vY 1 11 Il 1 1 uf wta kM TT Do you remember wonderful DOKU 1 Ji HEART America like a itHre Remember how it Imprecjl ypu A thrilled made vou thmBrTHMptare' (0111 er even greater pietufeLigcr tfeih' ANVictuYc seen this year THE RIGHT1 TO greatest love story ever told in which yotivill seethe GreatMiss Phillips in an amurng duaf rJe one If you see noother producticm this yearSEE amazing beautifuh Unspiring NOTHING EVER rv vr rr riLMLD LIKE Ik Admission 4t50c "Wat Tax bdudetL CfuMra ffnWLn UnulUllUL 70 5X100 £153121188 LlAIll Lints1 1 8 89009 0 JI WWW HOSPITAL5 PURCHASE 7ECipjLA 'DARLINGTON 'Dec' 2 Municipal ownership was the Issue at a special election here JodayThe proposal is the purchase of the property of tfie Darlington Elcctric the City 'V'l 5 SENATOR IS iiunro mh ptmcut Uli Uul I lilUlU I Iflull I Newberry of Michigan jand 33 Xothers Are 3 Accused VAST1 RAUD1 IS' CHARGED 'pent Are Mgtle Public ederal Grahd Jury Alleged Crooked JVork hi mid Alii bZ man Newberry 1 United Stufesflentii tor from Miehliruiks 13 oft Ids palgu lleuleimiits und J20 lescr po liiid lights of ibe stele were Indict ed by federal gruud Jury oiicliurses' pf clecjiuit frapd corruption cousplr tuj nyd mlggse of ibe ma sZTivo: blnnkiJt Indictment' wero lre tnrncil dealing with the primaiy and election i'umiialguv of 1918 i which Hem 4rd was Senator opponent Charge Stata Wida'1 Plrit Go'vernmeijt aiserUdstliat Ilin leHtlmuiiyt presented lo lliegrdiid Jury bad revealed a polillcklscandal that jn' ninny respects was tvlihoul puallel in AmeritHii "annuls' Tbey mu Id It extended from the niustoliop tilotis wifrds of Detroit? to Ihe Indian rewvfillpns oil Ihe shores of Luke Supcrlpr1 where aborigines vot ed accordlp to the behest of the New' berry yinupulgn 'organlrallon uas alleged Unit voters were bribed eteetlon boards corrupted edf tors subsidized mid picture theaters' bought tip Tn tlm endeavor to defeat Henry i'ord first In the of hotli parties and1 later it hen he bud i tvuUrtJbvNvDetiiocnitic iioiiiiniil Ion In lff liulge Glareticej IV Suasions of tliO federal district to wliore court the grand 'reported indicaltsl Ihut the evidence disclosed I he fraudulent expenditure of belweeli ILVIOIKJO and MowOtjO lu cojuicetlouiwlih the elec lllltl 'lA 4 The men were an nounced i will le arraigned tm 'Mon day DeU'fober 8 Die extreme ieii ally tihlih iiiaylx linpfised 'under the ludhtinents Js a line of 1(11)00 and lb ItTiprhsomiietif '('''l 't 5 lrat ourteen Named 7 The only the Chief fig ures in the cuke was revealed Instruct Ions 'Judge Session the naiiiosjf ihe others were Inipuiinded to Jlieriiuideipubllc wliijn ilielr owpere faive been served wiiit warrants' The 14 mimes auade public werefw J'ujtnmf United Styles 1 senator iinJ secretary of Ihe tuny in the liobsendt administration John iL Newberry Detroit pf the jpnattiN who contributed S'Jl) DOO to 7 King general miiu ii ger of the Newberry campaign'? Allen I Tdmplctonr fftfesldcni "af Detroit cluiinltcr uf yuinterce aml chairman Of Hie Newbehry campaign Hairy 0 Detroit broker and sou of James Turner fonmr au ditor general: of) Michigan Hewis nwhta nt secretary of the'Newbrry i uiiipaign I jfcKee Detroit daw jmrt ner of King? die was prominent In i iliqs Ked Urosssorgnidzatloii In Mlchb i gnn and Jn fraternal elrcles Uoterti i nieiiuinvestlgators chatge lds uctlvi ties were mostly for poll Hurry A Itypklns Detroit' publici ty manager' of campaign and former mesldent Of the State ms 1 1 iti 1 1 a i ii 1 1 a putjiuiwi ucu iv vur Ularenc Otto iwho recently (fceoph'W' This morning the temperature ft tqd States settgte y'V A ord Detroit who was the coldest of the Beason Con t4n charge the country drgauiza 57919613 i 41 3706 90 I VICO 1X1 6190 09 7 41 Lawful w'lttil'cdLralltucrie Bank 7V 09219 2t JCaah In vult not amount duo from national bang 191650 Nil mount due (rom tanks bnk and trust eompaoli cottier Uan 1 Included tn Iteimi 1'2 13 or 11 2857 1 27 otal of Items 13 It IS and 17 I Cheeks on banks located outside of city or (own of reporting batik and other cash Items 21 Redemption fund with 'I ria urcraud due from L' 8 TretUurer uiitti Sl inner assets it any imicny i oan flOJuilint i Capital stock pant hv ltawn Surplus fuud 7 5900 90 Undivided rontsMJtSAVa 1 Ms current evpeuws lntiht aim 1 1 tavMiiald V'4112'1 fl't87 Amount resi rn tor taxes accrued two Circulating uotejouutalidtus OL txi I Cashier's checks on own tank out 1 standing VKUJTi Total of turns J) 3l82ndW AtWVf lildlvidual dewslUsubJeci locheclKJi'2 67351 Certlucatisofdeixwlt due lu less than days other than for itiouey bor I rowed 9516131 1 i mcnas unpaid ei Total of demand deposits ottiar than wfiiWs bank po'lts auhjcct to reserve1 kItems 313536 and XJ N' h4sm as S'i'sass vBW8e1 I3W fciupYy Af 1 CennlcatofOf deposit other than for money bQrnun tfJ Sil 3i07 cither time depoiltc t192 40 Total time depolt fitWett to ru Serve Hems 19 tlrjandfil S79G022 7i Liabilities other than those above stated: St 560733 7b SiATittir i QMiHtytrfltaiiwrA 7 A JaeotaCaahter of the auuve named tauk do soksnnU swear that the above statement latrti tolbetaUof my knmv tenge aud belief SM A acuns Cashier Bubwrlbetlaud sworn lo before rue Uits 2Slb day oLNoveuiber tpiS A aiABKllAUNotify PUWIc s'4 Dodge County Is Tily ComiuUslou avjiryi July 21tb nr2t 1 Sr6elAll'7 JiMiX CANDElt i rl a hili Directors 1 mi December Igtfi ls mow forecasted to be last day jjn thls earth Such predictions are made every few years aud are is needless to 'nay! Keep ou ytfifrr kpitting and let those who baveijrisi to doavprpr about PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS tivfis' for the Newberry cuinpilgh head of the Mlcblgaivslate fnlrC24y7'' I reilrHct (' Smith 'Detroit? iiinn itgcr of the estate In De traiLy fr 1 Mlltoh 'OHliiuuhrp former IVnyne county sheriff and for ten years Ki publican in Detroit Judd Yellant probate judge at Es A 2 1'rapk ilcKfiy ttsslgnmeiit elerk' In ihe wnrtC' Junies l' ai Eston candidate In tle puhlicau lmarlevfor 'grernor 77 Gladstone V' Beattie farmer sheriff gf Van Buren county and county man ger for 'O it IN vTHE jLID Rulingy Shut Off Homa Making Ljquor Iear ft ifXAtf WashingtonDec l' Salc of formu las'' for making Intoxicating liquor in the hotpe fias been' placed under the ban by the bureau of Internal frbvenue 7 irms or corporations engaging iu such sale the Internal revenue bureau has Just tuled are (liable to prosecn thmunder the section at tbe criminal code making littbfe 'nhl abets counsels commands induces procures the violation io LaagooiSoeiaty to Sand Massage Brussels Dee A message to the Aniedeanpeopfe and the United States aeoate will be drafted at A meeting of the League of Nations 'sovletyif Tlie meetiug ia fathered by leading' Brit ish iaud advocstes 'of th 1 1I A4L iregu The Picture Never orget Hy i i 1 ne piggeSL inccure or rrcociR occukm 7V J' Colossal in Theme a Picture for Everybody i 1 Ci wJ HrkX UAkU fit 2 1 lie Drillldill IMIMHIUINU VW Ul sivaiius iiwiuiiu A A MMSSOIS4HDOS WVtk tt DOROTHYPHILLIPS t''S1L7r fl I a 4 JX' Jn the Greatest Love Story Eygr ToJtl 'Ww csf a Beaver Dam should be 'well repre LA 1 IM A pv 7 4 Zg 7 4 dC stft' '17 W' 6 '( I1' a UZ 7 7 I 'U 74' 4 fi'l TV 4 I48 I 1 er I I i I i 7 'm'TT' t1 Ir 5 iV I Ii to it 'Lr i nfaUaA Aaaa 1 11 UH 1 Us wm li v7 A IKlniKfiA ISKSs I 4 1 1 i Bw miH I I I i 4 i i i "A rSrf? tV 1 vjV' S' '4" i I i 1 1 7 Lfrr I 1 1 litwr 11 Ir 'W tw1 NN NK rz 1 1 77 HirTz Vs rr 7 KfjOi bs ioibo i rr xlv 'jL tex Hrr is I 11 i I i I Itir a 11 4 i Bui MB aewSj lit Miiaitafaui mu i i iSSSSfySag 7 L4S a 4 awi' jfwasAfe £7 i 1 I 'Xf iXv'i Tv fi 4 jSN Tw TV' Ml 9 iw te iffi ili 5 ivmriHk i I Bmm 'S 7 1J A i 2 fl JSfea SIB 'S3 jWferr Hr Bb va i 4 ivy ykC5f 'k 3 yu A rjte' i 'MaaSSfe SAJv JvhlW IT i PINESS? tA fl'ftriJaJWt hIrbI MiliM ajAi a I.

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Beaver Dam Daily Citizen from Beaver Dam, Wisconsin (2024)


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Author: Duncan Muller

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Views: 5961

Rating: 4.9 / 5 (79 voted)

Reviews: 94% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Duncan Muller

Birthday: 1997-01-13

Address: Apt. 505 914 Phillip Crossroad, O'Konborough, NV 62411

Phone: +8555305800947

Job: Construction Agent

Hobby: Shopping, Table tennis, Snowboarding, Rafting, Motor sports, Homebrewing, Taxidermy

Introduction: My name is Duncan Muller, I am a enchanting, good, gentle, modern, tasty, nice, elegant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.