The Burlington Free Press from Burlington, Vermont (2024)

JUNE 21 1924. IS THE BURLINGTON FREE PRESS AND TIMES: SATURDAYJ REAL ESTATE FOR RENT tr Are your headlights out of adjustment? The State law says your headlights shall be ocussed Stations, Repairing," under this head is an Headlights him now and avoid fines and accidents. AUTOMOBILES THE FREE PRESS CLASSIFIED ADS. Ahabetlcally Arranged Ready Reference LINE RATES CONSECUTIVE INSERTIONS Charges Preeet 1 day Itne 2 day. 1 line 2 dart da.s I -3, 5 dare 1 line .45 days 1 lin aa 1 itne 12 4 .24 2 .32 .42 12.

Year'y Order Rates pon apB.icai-.J"- Count average words to a line. I lines to an Inch. M'aimum Space. 2 line. Minimum Book Char-.

40 eenta Prjymft reqn'red or all ads frrm outside the city. No ad Accepted After ri rrassis-d ris i Following Pav-Ads Accepted Orr the Phone Convenience of roHmr 23 and Ask for a -TiiwIIlM Ad Ttk" The Free Press the right a change the wordl lg ef ads Jo trniform trt the rules the A. arrangement af classified tlalng. The Free Press dor print only truthful Want-ads and wilt appreciate having attention it not foifr.rmrtC fi highest standards of honesty. The Fre Press the only tom-plete A-B-C clanlflcaticn svstem In Vermont.

said, even a child can find NEW BOOKS Under present law reviews are clashed a advertisem*nts. fc'RY CLERK AND CUTTER Drucnren in cicrmng ore or market, desires Ik Employment "The Tlomemaker." by Dorothy Can- t.EAL SILK GUARANTEED HOSIERY 2 field. Uaroourt. Brace New Loomis St. Phone 2448-TV for demon-York interview.

Vacation Places For Rent TM QUEEN CITT PARK Furnished camp to o-Hi rrom July lst October let. Phon 243-R. Use of boat. THOMPSON POINT Cottage for July and August, all modern rnn i-on bhnnA 29-2-Versrennes. )r Box 242.

QUEEN CITY PARK Prettiest, furnished overlooking lake. Phone WW-M. SPALDING'S BAY On Lake Champlain. six miles from Burlington. Vt.

two new cottages, well furnished, fireplaces, screened porches, water, garage, boat, week or month. George W. Orvls, Essex Junction. Vt. Phone 23S.

1 COTTAGE On shore of Lull Champlaln. eight miles from Vergennes. Vt an one mile north of Basin Harbor. seven room cottage for private family only. Four bedrooms, bath, ice, boat, lOxlS garage.

Full equipment and beautifullv located. For July and September. $125 per Write G. Bostwlck. care WHIam Tryon.

R. F. D. No. 3.

Vergennes, Vt FURNISHED COTTAGE With garage. located near Lake Champain. Write Box Free Press. ONE MORE COTTAGE To rent at Camj Edgewater on Lake Champlain. Seven miles north of Burlington, very secluded, wonderful sandv beach.

See T. B. Wright. 129 Church St. Summer Boarding Rents 75-A BRISTOL VILLAGE Summer boarder wanted, fine location, one mile from village.

Write or phone C8-24. Han-nah Hurlburt. Bristol. Vt. SUMMER BOARDERSWsnted.

good table, nice quiet place. Box Free Press. SUMMER BOARDERS Under this heading will be found farms, lodgea. and small hotels where those wishing summer bnard may And it. And Storage 78 STORAGE Every facility for storage of household goos and merchandise.

Warehouses on railroad siding and water front and also near center of city. Member American Warehousem*n's Association. James E. Cashman. Phona 405-R.

Burlington. Wrnted To Rent 77 WANTED To rent, small, heated, unfur nished apartment, centrally located. Two adults. With garage. Box Free Press.

REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Bldg. Business Prop. 80 ESSEX. N. Y.

Two-story slats roofe building, situated on the main street, suitable fot restaurant, mercantile small factory. With living quarters. A bargain. B. t.

Murphy. Essex. N. T. Farms For Sal 82 BUTLER ISLAND Lake Champlain.

Farm 110 acres, ample buildings, good land. Entire island about 600 acres may be acquired. Charming view, good fishing, bungalow sites. For full Information apply to Edmund Seymour. Admr, 45 Wall New Tork city.

A FINE BEARING ORCHARD SO scree In fruit. In Vermont. Good apple market established. Address for full particulars Box 48. care Free Press.

Bur- llnytert. Vt. LAKE CHAMPLAIN (Isle La Mottel Estate of five acres on lake and 14T acres farm land: beautifully situated: offered by executors: residence, 14 rooms, partially furnished, three baths, fireplaces, sun parlor, wide vere.ndas: clubhouse, three bedrooms, toilet, billiard table, fireplace; complete farm buildings; two docks, fine roads: price terms. Edmund Seymour, Executor. 45 Wall New York city.

Telephpce. Hanover 6194. TTonees For Sale si BROOKES 25 Eight rooms and bath, all modern improvements, easily made Into two-amlly home. Apply owner. Phone 402-R.

HOUSE New seven-room. Improvements, garage, bsrn. hen house and large lot Price $2,700. part cash. Al Roberts.

Essex Trust Essex Junction. JUST LISTED One cf the finest homes In Burlington, new. very modern, and well built. also some good investments, Chausse Roblllard. 133 Church Burlington.

Vt. SEVERAL GOOD HOUSES Apoly Bittersweet Real Estate Agency. Tel 151. Shore FTaces For Sale 8k TEN ROOM CAMP Garage and Ice house and boat, or will exchange for a smaller camp. Phone 1013-M or 2730.

TEN ROOM COTTAGE With garage. Ice house, and boat, nicely locatea at BiT. priced richt. eight room cottage -with beat. Malletts Bay.

end several to rent. Malletts Bay. Queen City Park, etc. Chaussa Robillard. Burlington.

Vt COTTOE Nearlv new. for sale, city water, city lights, within 15 minutes of city. One of finest lake sites pear city. Further particulars, write Bog A-S. Free Press.

ReaT Estate Wanted 87 OSE Two or tnree tenement home In ciinrtnti from owner, centrally lo cated. Stste lowest cash, price, FVee Press. Box ROOM. BOARD AND HOTELS tTooms For Rent 89 BL'ELL 33 Furnished rooms, gentlemen preferred. CONVERSE COURT.

46 Furnished room. Phone 2059-W ELMWOOD AVE 43 Large, front rontn. GRANT 3S Two furnished rooms, gentleman preferred. H1CKOK PLACE. 32 Furnished room te.

rent. Phone 1921-J. IHUNGERFORD 11 Room for rent. lady preferred, PARK "8 Pleasant, furnished, fronx nnm suitable for two. Phone 857-R.

PEARL 247 Rooms, gentleman preferred. Tel. 2294-M. PEARL 272 Furnlsnea. ironi.

oay-wtndow room. Mrs. C. R. Hlggina.

SCHOOL 29 Furnished room, price reasonable. SCHOOL ST. 53 Furnished room. Mrs. White.

Phone 1623-M. bdivatiii HOME Two adults. will let pleasant room to adult. Phone 2372-J. Rooms And Board 99 MAPLE 176 Large front room suitable for two, with board.

Rooms For Housekeeying 91 ELMWOOD 25 New Elmwood. Phone 1543-M- One or two rooms fpf light housekeeping. 242 Furnished rooms for light housekeeping. Tel. S52-M.

Where To Dine 99 classification 16 Service your headlights EMPLOYMENT Help Men Wantdd 41 BARKER-First class, steaoy work. Ap Hotel. A Wtn 1 -Experienced. twA wanted. romt Krm.

North Phone 12-12. Ferrlsburg. SCHOOL BOY To net a. sneclal S.n i I sTA- Ior "terary Diteest. pnone 1 i i HORSERho*r tWent-j TTiZ.

nurcn Burlington Vt. LINOTYPE OPERATORS compositors; union and non-union; week. $41.00 days. $44.50 nights eK- APP'r second fidor. 32 CjP "i-.

epnngneld, Mass. SPRINGFIELD REPUBLIC AN AND DAILY NEWS 4 "anted, SteanJer Daisy, at a uurK. ail evenlngH. IO run "ieh machine. F.

Davis, "Rterbary Inn. Waterbury MAN'To work on farm, good milker and icamster, would consider min and wife, eieany to right party. E. I Krupp. uunington.

vt. "anted at once until September 6, to care for garden, cow. lawfns. painting. a summer cottagei who must tiBo oe experiencpv about boats, state "-Afierience.

references, wages. Miss Wel- her, Batton Isiand, Westdort. N. MAX For n.r. 1 rarm Tenement has electric lights, plumbing is on mam highway Kvlth trolley.

rarmi. spencer. Ma wne or two. good, foil Inside work ror getting out builder's finish. Holden Martin Lumber Braktleboro.

Vt. PRESS FEEDER Wanted. experienced preferred. Merchants Prefcs, 128 Col- lege St. BELIABLE MAN On farm.

khone 1925-1. SALESMEN Energetic and aggressive. those nply. Padu House-to-house proposition ment. competition meaning business need ls Jila nage Windsor, Vt.

SALESMEN For both Verrnbnt'and New Hampshire. Salary and bonus. Ex- penses advanced. Men wl perience. and cars only.

Box 473, Burlington. selling ex- Apply P. O. (ALFI8MI Exceptions opportunity. Bustlers earntnirs big WMfe McCleerv smnoar washing ton.

I.n SECOND HAND Wanted bread, all macntne work. F. J. Fairbanks Baking i uraiiicpom. t.

TEAMSTER Must be a a-oo I man, Chisel-N. H. and board W. D. Marvin, hurst Farm.

East Jaffrey, YOUNG MAN To drive triJck and work grocery store. Must hi ve some ex- perience and references. Press. pox R. Free wa; ianiea, is lo 25.

unmar ried, with at least one yeajr's experience In retail shoe business. References re- quired. TV. B. Smith Co-JRut land.

Vt. YOUNG MAN As outside salesman In city for established Buf-llngton firm. Preferably an unmarried! high school graduate who has had experience as counter salesman and would like to sell outside. Apply by letter giving age. education, experience.

and minimum salary requirements on the start. Permanent position with good advancement to a hustler. No others need apply. Write Box B-4. Free Press.

WOULD TO fS.OOO Yearly Interest you? vve are paying that for pleasant outdoor work, selling guaranteed trees, shrubs, roses, etc. Commission weekly. New up-to-date methods. Brown Bros. Company.

Rochester, N. Y. Growers since 18S.3. WORKMEN WANTED For operation of reduction furnaces, making aluminum. Steady work and no labor troubles.

Eight hours per day. seven days per week, shift work. 30c per hour and bonus. Good boarding and living conditions st private homes and hotels at $8.00 per week. Men must pass physical examination, have good eyesight and health.

20 to 45 years ef age. Come or write. ALUMINUM COMPANY OF AMERICA Massena. St. Lawrence N.

T. Help Women Wanted ki COOK Plain cooking in small lunch room. boarding house experience preferred state salary. Edith Brown. Westpert, N.

Y. COUNTER GIRL Wanted in coffee room. Apply New Sherwood to manager. DISHWASHER For Roof Garden, Hotel Van Nesa. Apply to Steward, Hotel Vermont GIRL Experienced, wanted, for dining room and fountain.

Bassett Cafe, Essex Junction. GIRL For general housewprk, family two adults. Protestant preferred. Address Box 1 00, Free Press. HOUSEKEEPER Wanted home rather than high 105 North Ave.

who prefers a wages. O. E. HOUSEKEEPER Family ef two, father and son. Good cook.

87 Elm St. Albans. t. HOUSEWORK ER vl anted for month of Julv. Must be good co*ckw Assist house work.

No heavy duties. Reply stating wages, to Box 97, Free HOUSEWORK Oil competent for gen eral housework. References required Apply MrB- Charles L. Woodbury, 37 North Prospect St. STENOGRAPHER Wanted at once, with general office ability.

Gjotid opportunity and salary If capable. I References required. Blair Veneer Company, North Troy, Vt. WAITRESS-Experienced. Champlaln Restaurant.

wanted WAITRESS Experienced, Apply personally Park wanted at once Cafe, woman Wanted to work evenings In small bakery. Experience In pastry. Call at once. Mrs. A.

B. Chd ilppeil, 109 Msple St. Help Men or Women IS ee. See at a given height. Read advertiser who will test EDUCATIONAL Local Private Inetmctiona 37 INSTRUCTOR Wants tutor work for aum-mer months.

Call Wanted Instructors 38 HIGH SCHOOL 1. Win. $2, 50: srsde, $720- rural Prompt service. Register norr. Northeastern Teachers' Agencyi 3 Central St.

Johns- bnry. Vt. TUTOR-In Algebra' and French until September 1. college graduate preferred, three hours daily required. to 12 a.

m. Address Box P3. Free Press. EMPLOYMENT tTmpToyment Agencies 39 CHEF $35; day fireman. $30 and board; woman cook.

$30; cook for rrivate family; married couple for hotel, woman as cook, man as helper. $150; waitresses. $25; men for farms, $40 to $0. Mad- den's Empl. Service.

Room 14, The strong. Burlington. Vt. Help Agents Wanted 10 551 to Jvertlse our goods nd distribute free samples to consumers; an hour; write for full particulars. American Products 2729, American Cincinnati.

O. AGENTS Openings for few hi-h raA- "debaker watches. 21 jenel tirneplecea of highest quality, made in SeT "P1 at Bouth B'nd- Indiana, aold fromi factory to consumer at sav- Per cent- Eaav Payments. Nationally advertlssd. Inquiries furnished.

Write fully, stating age. pataleT free. Btidebaker uept. A155, South Bend. ind.

AGENTS' Greatest money-making oppor tunity. daily taking orders for Walton-Duplex New creation gives double wear, factory to wearer. Pay advanced. We deliver. Walton-ruplex Brooks Chlcsen AGENTS Make big money selling Queen Quality rubber aprons.

Every woman and girl a ready buyer. Our system and bonus makes you $15 a day easv. vVrite, for proposition. Horsey-Basaett 40. Crisfleld.

Maryjand. HIGH POWER SALESMEN Wanted. AU retailers buy. $5o daily by best men. 33 weekly and expenses guaranteed against commissions.

Answer quick. New specla I Cedar Rapids. Iowa. MEN Wanted to sell new puncture proof inner tube. Iemonstrate by driving nails Into tire.

In tests have given good service after having 500 nail holes in them. Users report as high as 30.0O0 miles without chsnging tire. Big money and exclusive territory for -workers. Write U. L.

Milburn. 4S50 Shields Chicago. NEW Amazing seller! $3.00 sample case free. Sensational! Different! No room to tell our story here. Write quick! Edwin Earle.

Salisbury, N. C. NEWvTDERFUL SELLER 98o profit 'every dollrr sales. Deliver on spot License unnecessary. Sample free.

MIs- slon Shop, 519 N. Halsted. Chicago. IIL SALESMEN Write now for our sure pay selling offer. No cash required.

We show you how. Equipment free. Charlton Nursery Rochester. N. T.

Established ISfl.y SALESMEN Not agents: acquaint with drug and retail trade In State of Vermont to devote exclusive time to reBl money making proposition. Year round number. Only one good producer placed In territory. Straight commissions: weekly remittance. Give references, former connections.

Ozark Pencil 4410 Delmar. St. Louts, Mo. SALESMEN Opportunity to earn $73 to iw a week selling In exclusive territory loose leaf systems and manifold books direct lo user at wholesale prices. W.

A. Llesen Co. Manufacturers, Spring-field. Mass. SIDELINE SALESMEN Making small towns.

$25 to $100 weekly extra. New Idea. No sale. No collection. No samples to carry.

State line carried and territory covered. Keeney ft Sons Co Dept. 105. 700 E. 40th Chicago TAILORING SALESMEN Experienced to sell "Broadway better clothes" dlrect-to-wearer at $29.50.

Values unequalled Satisfaction or money back. Liberal com missions. ISO samples, slse Bx9. Pro tected territory. Act quick.

Broadway lanoring Company, Dept. C. Cincinnati. onto. TAILORING SALESMEN Oldest sstab- llsned wholesale tailors on earth pay largest commission and liberal bonus taking orders for union made $45.00 all wool suits at $32.50.

Big outfit and ad vertising furnished free. Exclusive ter ritory. Experience unnecessary. Wilson Tailoring 9 W. Jackson.

Chicago THE DEMAND For shrubs for home beautifying Is big. Iits of new homes being built We need salesmen all over New England to take care of this demand. Big money possible. No experience necessary. Outfit free.

A card to F. J. Rippin. Manager, Manchester, will bring particulars. BIO MONEY Operating your own busi ness.

Entirely new. Dignified. Unlimited fleld. Highly profitable. Full or spare time.

Platex 120 W. 42nd New York. $50.00 DAILY Made by best men. $35.00 weekly and expenses guaranteed against commissions. All retailers buy.

G. Ap-pleton Novelty Cedar Rapids. Iowa. TOti CAN EARN BIO MONEY Represent ing Walker products In your town. Highest quality toilet preparations, food products, medical and household supplies.

Big commissions. Easy sales. No capital er experience required. Largest company of Its kind. Established 7 years.

W. ft H. Walker, 24 Herr Pittsburgh. Pa. Help Men Wanted UTO MECHANIC Of long experience and good references, no other need apply.

Write Box A-4, Free Press. AUTO MECHANIC Wanted, first class. Unless can show A-l experience on high grade cars, do not apply. Mr. Allen.

Burlington Cadillac Co. BARBER Wanted at once, first class, steady work, good pav. Apply Douglass Barber Shop, Barre. Vt. Tel.

B82-W. GOOD MEAT COOK Wanted, or man and wife for all around cooking. Muat be thoroughly capable. State experience when writing. A.

J. Newman, Heights House, Lunenburg, Vt XT EMPLOYMENT Situations Wawted Men JU CHEF Colored, first clsss. desires position, year around preferred, excellent larger hotel experience, an economist strictly temperate and reliable, familiar In all branches of culinary, capable add competent tj tako charge, can bring such help as will be required. State salary per week and particulars. Chef.

P. 102. Burlington. Vt HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATE Desires position as bookkeeper as assistant book-keeper. Address Box C.

Free Press. HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATE Desires a position as clerk, preferably In drug store in city References. Address Box 149. Morrisvllle, Vt. LAWN And garden work In city during summer.

Call E. N. Brush, 712. NIGHT WATCHMAN And fireman, ex perienced, wanta position, sober and re liable, good references furnished. Phone 1R51-W.

PLUMBER And steam fitter would like position at once. Must be steady work. Address Box 98. Free Press. State wages Irt first letter.

YOUTH Would accept any suitable work In city or country. Inquire W. B. Whiting. Sheldon Springs, or 39 Lower Newton.

St. Albans. Situations Wanted Women HIGH SCHOOL GIRL Desires position for the summer. Box Free Press. HOUSEKEEPER In a gentleman's home or In a nice hotel.

Box Free Press. HOUSEWORK To do outside city, experienced. Apply at once. Tel. 1.23-M, WOMAN Wants position as housekeeper.

Address Box 94. Free Press. FINANCIAL Business Opportunities id WOODWORKING SHOP And machinery, doing good business, must be sold to settle estste, located In St. Johnsbury village. A.

B. Dow. St. Johnsbury. Vt.

10.000 TO INVEST In a business in Ver mont Size and condition of business Immaterial If there is a good chance for success under proper management. Give full details and reply to Box No. 400. Burlington Free Press. LIVE STOCK Cattle And Surine 50 SHELBURNE FARMS Always have for salo a large number of high class tested dairy cattle.

Phone Burlington 067. Dogs, Cats, Pets SI BOSTON TERRIERS Four months old. George E. Shepard. 378 North St.

COLLIE Young dog. beautifully marked. yellow and white, thoroughly house-broken, affectionate, has been brought un with a baby, a master watchdog. W. M.

Meacham. Milton. Vt. COLLIE Male, sable and white, two years old, registered A. K.

C. No. 3GS295. sire Tazewell Turbulent. Dam, Bergmont Briar.

First priie winner. Burlington. Vt 1923. Kennel club show can repeat In larger shows. Frederick Pate-naude, Burlington, Vt.

PUDDLE PUPPIES 18 King St. Eggs, Poultry, Supplies PUREBRED CHICKS For June Wvan- dottes. Reds. Barred Rocks. 18 each or $17.00 per 100; Leghorns.

15c each or H4 00 per 100. One quality only the best. Lakevlew Hatchery. 25 Pearl St. S.

C. W. LEGHORN CHICKS 10c each. purebred, heavy winter layers. Morn-Ingslde Farm.

C. V. Mason, Jericho, Vt. EGGS Rhubarb for sale. 265 Colchester Ave.

Horses, Vehicles S3 PAIR GREY MARES Ages seven and eight Sound and good workers. Priced right for quick sale. Edwin II. Chase. 415 Psrk Ave.

FARM HORSE Good, will work single or double, also a good driver, Addison Smith. Williston village, Vt FAST PACING MARE By Green Ml. boy. with a record of 19 V. seven yesrs old.

Phone 1785-J! MARE Handsome black percheron, six vears. 1,880 sound, gentle, work single or double. No faults, $200, no trad-Ing. H. E.

Bartram. Brandon. Vt. MERCHANDISE Articles For Sale 5iA ANTIQUES For sale. Books.

E. L. Essex Junction, Bouchard. Tel. 251-3.

Vt. Boars And Canoes 55 MOTOR BOAT 22 foot five horse power. Fay and Bowen, makers. C. A.

Bostwlck. St. Albans. Vt. Building Materials 58 FURNACE Plats glass window and pair plate glass storm doors for sale.

101 Elmwood Ave. BARGAIN ON BRICK Lot ot secondhand brick la excellent condition. See my foreman next to Edmunds High school. Main St. Frank J.

Whalen. Burlington, Vt. LUMBER For building purposes, sawed to order and delivered. rite ror prices. E.

G. Morton. Huntington. Vt. Farm and Dairy Products 58 RHUBARB For canning.

Asparagus, let tuce, etc. Phone 873-28, South Burlington. THE FINEST OF TABLE FUTAluts At farm, bring sacks. B. J.

Aiuageii. Underbill. Feed And Fuel 59 HORSE HAY No. 1, drop card for delivery. A.

F. Manor. Charlotte. WOOD Block, hard or soft edgings, slabs, hard wood flooring and shop wood, also split hard wood. Burlington Wood 99 North Champlaln Burlington.

Phono S98. WOOD Special prices, on all kinds: also rock maple furnace lengths and split maple. H. Gladstone's Wood and Coal Yard. Phono S76-R.

Prompt delivery. Fertilizers, Seeds, Plants 60 CABBAGE PLANTS 1 Murray St. Phone 1841-W. MERCHANDISE Fertilizers, Seeds, Plants 60 WHITE PLUM ripr vov plants. Mrs.

John Wilson. 91 Mansfield. Household Articles 63 COAX "Sunny" Glenwood. No. with ft 408, Ce cn id- n2 Inches over all.

A. J. Cavo. 43 School st fnt ot nutSiSHOLD Dining su'te. Portieres, library suite.

1.Q4 North Ave. ELECTRIC VACUUM CLEANER With attachments, electric fan. gas heater. electric flat Iron and three- bamboo screen. Phone 74 8 -X.

HEATER Gas stove and heater, clothes wrlngpr- 73 Pitkin St. HOUSEHOLD FUbLviTURE Inquire Peru St. ONE LARGE REFRIGERATOR In first class shape. Richmond Underwear Company. Richmond.

Vt. WHEN IN THE CITY Call at Everett's Antique Shop for a general Una of antiques. 101 South Winooskl Ave. Machtnery, Elec, And Tools rvnivt. ciaunnary gas, 24 h.

p. with noicr pump, in excellent condition. Mrs. t-iark. Williston.

Vt Phone FURNACE Hot with pipes, nearly new. Burlington Baking 198 College REAPER AND BINDER $25.00: three douole cultivators. $1500 hay loader. $45.00: mowing machine, $15 OO-sulky plow. ten good teams ehap.PhejbjrneFarms.

Shelburne. Vt. A LIMITED NUMBER Of John Deere Implements to close out at reduced rates, a few mowers, one riding cultivator, one reaper and binder with fore carriage truck. O. G.

Cafpenter. Jericho. Vt. Musical Instruments 66 ORGAN For sale cheap, one six octave, fine condition. Call at 149 Pine St SAXOPHONE Mouthpieces.

Henton silver inlay for melody, $5, American rubber for tenor, 3, for melody. $2.50. Saxophones bought, sold, repaired, lessons given. M. Katz.

187 Bank St. UPRIGHT PIANO In fair condition. South Union St. 10 Vatches, Diamonds, Jewelry 67 GIFTS FOR ORADUA TION For girisT wrist watches, rings, pearl and colored beads, bangle bracelets, fountain pens. wnue ivory.

or dovs. vaicn8. nnjfs. curf UnKS. cnains.

celts and buckles, etc. F. Oldfleld, 19 Church St. Phone 2509-W. The little store of little prices.

Wanted Articles To Buy 68 BOILER Second-hand. IS to 25 horsepower, upright preferred, must bs like new. Browns River Creamery Aso. Essex, Vt USED STEAMER TRUNK In good con dition. Phone 324.

I Every Property Owner to use L. M. semi-paste paint and make his own paint -for $2.82 per gallon. See our advertisem*nt In this paper and note a gallon costs nothing If not satisfactory. REAL ESTATE FOR RENT Aparfmenfs Tenements 69 CENTRALLY LOCATED Modern five.

room Hat heated, $J0 month. TeL 1 B.30. CHURCH 190 Six room flat, second floor. July 1st Adults. M.

J. Lunder ville. ELM WOOD 43 Heated apartment five rooms, adults only. GRANT 95 Well heated three room apartment. large closet, bath and porch MAPLE- ST.

194 Apartment Call after 6 p. m. for rent. NORTH UNION 27 Six rooms, second floor, adults only. PEARL 318 Seven room heated apartment, continuous hot water.

All conveniences. If agreeable to party renting, owner would like two rooms. WEST 11S New six room tenement Winooskl. Vt. FURNISHED APARTMENT For house keeping.

TENEMENT Very desirable four rooms and bath, upper floor with sleeping porch. Hot and cold water, gas, electricity, hot water heat Beet of location. Phor.s 1556-W. WE HAVE A nice six room flat fur nished, until October lst. also unfurnished five room flat.

Chausse A Robll-lard. 13S Church Burlington, Vt. Business Places For Rent FACTORY BUILDING For occupancy September lst. two-story, now occupied by the Baldwin Refrigerator Co. Floor space about 250x90.

Railroad elding alongside. Apply at office J. R. Booth. REPAIR SHOP Fully equipped, five stall.

Wonderful location on trunk line In one of the best automobile centers In Vermont. This shop Is running full now. but for business reasons owner wishes to lease. A wonderful opportunity for the right man to get into business for himself. For details write to Free Press, Box 92 2 STORE At 79 Main St.

Inquire S. Char- ron. 147 Main ft. STORES Heated: also warehouses, in business district. i-none.

mm or FOR RENT After July lst, factory or storage building, aooui im 1001 floor space. Railroad track alongside. Inquire of J. R. Booth.

Lake city. Desk Room And Offices 71 SINGLE OFFICE ROOM Second floor front over Roddy io. W. C. Isham.

TWO HEATED Connecting offices. A sal-tine. 148 Church St Vacation Places For Rent 75 BIDE-A-WEB HOUSE" Ideal place for rest, fishing, bathing, wholesome horns cooking. Rates reasonable. Apply Mrs.

Fred Campbell. East Rlchford.y t. CEDAR BEACH Wei! equipped, daintily furnished, seven-room housekeeping camp. bath, lavatories, fireplace. References.

PQ Box 35. Burlington. HEELER'S BAY South Hero. A welt furnished cottage to rent by the week, month, season. Good boat, garage and Ice.

H. B. Howard, Underbill. Vt. Phono 312-12.

MALLETTS BAY Six room cottage for rv.rAtVv rAM in nenr novel, i jives us an unusual tierofne, Evangeline Knapp. who is a greater success as a business woman and "provider" thao as a mother and homemaker. In the first part the book she shows us the Knapp family far from happy. Lester. the father, struggling alons as a bookkeeper, poor arid miserable in Ms uncpngenial work, the children sickly and the mother bravely tryin to conceal her weariness with life.

Then comes lister's accident, which leaves hlrr a helpless cripple and makes it necessary for Evangeline to support the family. Lester rreat happiness In his life at home, and has preat success In developing the children and winning their confidence- I 'is wife finds her real forte In the store. In the end thev face a great problem when tne possibility of Lester's recovery Is brought before them, and the vray this irl. An 1 th. storr -1 onusuai ana yet at a.

umrj iron i- life. "New Friends Chester." by Margaret Deland. Harper Brothers, publishers. Price This volume is in a sense three books In one. for It consists of three novelettes.

The first. "An Old Chester Secret." tells of Miss Lydi Sampson's adoption of the boy whom she? called Johnnie Smith, of her loyalty to him In the face of base suspicions, and of th bitter conflict of wills when John-rue's real parents tried fe take him from her. The second. "When Ot.1 Chester Wondered." is the story of Rose Knight, braving the of the town to save the man she loved. The third.

"The Eliot's Kaiy." is a masterpiece of mother-love; It tells of the srreat-hearted sacrifice of the unlettered little co*cknev cook, who publicly denied her daughter that the ar'rl might be free ti play the part a "lady" In the world. Dictionary of American Politics. by Edward Conrad Smith. Ph.T.. assistant professor of political science.

Tew York University. Edw. L. Burt, publishers. New Tork.

Price $2.30. The purpose of this volume Is to afford a convenient source of informa tion on matters relatinjr to the past and present politics of the United States. Tt has been for the average voter who ha neither time nor opportunity to seek information in various and ut-of-the-way places. The vocabulary of American politics contains I.undreds of slang expressions which have rpt yet been incorporated in the dictionaries, yet which pass current In the newspapers and wherever politics is discussed. Nearly all of these expressions have been Included In this volume with an account of their origin and with as accurate a definition of Motorcycles and Bicycle BICTCLE For Church St.

air, flJ. Inquire ins B1CTCLES Oood variety of uaed all prices, all kinds. HID Blcyela Phop. 71 No. TVInooskt at.

DAITON AND TRIBUNE BICYCLE baby carriage tires bat an. Tt- Ptka Shop. 124 rIlee. recelTed another consignment of 124. Htrt Ave real bariralsa In used machines, first come, first served.

J. Ij. eheppard. noo.kl. Vt Phone 51S-W.

INWAX MOTORCTCLE 1924 Bis; Chief T4. Perfect condition. Tel. 2244. 5 St.

INDIAN New fork makea riding over rough rads easy. C. W. Sherman, 41S St. Paul.

SerrTce Stations Repairing 16 CARS WASHED--Slmonized. greased, oiled and repaired. Standard wash rack. Robert N. Cooper, 230 Elm wood Muriington.

Vt. Tel. 247B-X, HEAD LIGHTS TESTED We have in apparatus according to government specifications snd will test your headlights free of eharge. No testing Saturday arid "Sunday" evenings. Standard Service Station, corner North Union end Nnrth Wlnooskl Ave BUSINESS SERVICE Barbers, Hairdr's, Masseuse 17 ANTHONY'S HAIR LUSTRE Removea and prevents dandruff.

Raxora sharp- ened. 104 Church BOB CURLING Makes bobbed hair look mors attractive. For appointment phono 1P. Mrs. J.

Yandewater. ESS-TEE-DEE Makes the head happy, steps dandruff and falling hair. Howard's Appointment Barber Shop, 43 Church St Phore WM-W. SHAMPOO Massage, manicuring, marcel waving. Phone 7JMS-W.

Jessie Sleeper. Pariaienne Beauty Tarlor. Room 21 Strong Bldg. PERMANENT WAVING Last all summer. All latest sjtyles In hair bobbing.

Confidential appointments an hair coloring. E. Belle Thlbau't. 1S1 Bank St. Phone SHAMPOOING AND CURLING Scslp treatments.

Manicuring, facial massage. Misses Woodward. 82 So. Winooskl Avs. Phone 227-J.

Building And Contract 18 DIX A STAPLES INC. Engineers and contractors. Steam shovel to rent. Es-tlmstea given. Springfield, Vt Telephone .31 4-W.

GARAGE Porches, building, carpentering ail kinds, a'so house foe sale. E. F. Parent, shop rear 5S Interval Avs. Phona 210S-J.

Business Service Rendered 19 CAMPERS AND VACATIONISTS Laundry handled separately, dried In fresh air and sunshine. La Bon Air LaunJry, 154 North Ave. LAUNDRY Rough dry and wet wash. scientifically handled, each one separately, lifer's. 79 Hsyward.

Phone 22S4-M. SIGNS Make business and I make signs. See me for good, practical signs. Bald- wln. Clarke St.

RUGS CARPETi Cleaned and washed. new electrical process. Orientals. Persons, a specialty. J.

N. Beaudette. Phone 2251 -R. SMALL WASHINGS Wanted to do at home. Box K.

Free Press. Moving, Trucking. Baggage SS LOAD Going to New York city or vicinity for closed padded van leaving about June 27. Phone Edwin H. Chase.

Truckman. LOAD OF GOODS Wanted for large truck to Boston or vicinity, also one to New York or vicinity, from any point In Vermont or northern New York, before Ju'y lst. J. H. Hllllker.

Essex Junction. Vt. Phone 25H-2. MOVING Large trucks and double teams and full line ef equipment. Crating and shipping.

Long distance hauling1 a specialty. James Cashman. Phone 405-R. Burlington. Vt.

Painting, Paper Hanging S6 DECORATING Painting. paperhanglng. Interior work a specialty. We give advice and estimates. Sid J.

Way. 133 Fine. Phone I444-W. DECORATING Painting. paperhanglng.

Estimates given on outside or Inside work. J. D. Donahue. Phone 2303-W.

PAINTING Now doing Gregory Grain bldg. Who Is next? Max Wolfe. 138 Intervale Ave. Tel. 1759-J.

PAINTING. PAPERHANGING Interior decorator. suggestions and estimates given. Edwjd J. Rousseau.

97 Laks view terrace. Phone 19A8-W. PAINTING And carpenter work, prices reasonable. William TrlbeU 63 Sprues St Phone Tl-M. PAINTINO Paperhanglng.

carpenter work. 1 estimate, accommodate, don't hesitate. Phone 1S07-M. J. M.

McNall. 49 Char lotte St. Pressing And Tailoring X8 LADIES' AND GENTS" SUITS To order, up. French dry cleaning, press ing, alternations, open evenings. T.

P. O'Hara. 170 Bank St. Phone B9T-XV. SPRING SUITS Mads or your old one re-modeled, cleaned and pressed.

J. O. E. Beaupre 251 North St. Phone 227-W Professional Services SO HAIR GOODS Switches.

bobs. Nellie Keller pugs. Imported. Frivate match-In irs by appointment. Bacon Beauty Shop.

B7 Church St. MY POOR FEET Sore feet made good by A. E. Klngaley. Foot Specialist 63 North Winooskl Ave.

Phone 2271. Repairing Miscellaneous 31 MATTRESSES Of all kinds renovated and made over, feather beds made Into feather mattresses. Tousley's. 2064-M. WATCHES American and Swiss.

all makes repaired. W. H. Tarbox. Watch and Clockman.

23 Murray St. Phone 1311-M. Instrumental And Vocal 38 PIANO Instruction. Pianist. accompan 1st.

organist Ha rile B. Wilson, Studio 84 Clarke St Phone 2 501 -J. PIANO Modern artistic methods, begtn ners. advanced pupils. Classes all sum mer.

Mrs. M. P. Burritt. 133 King.

Phone 779-M. "CAP" STUBBS MR PRICE GARAGE 113Ar7hihTTst. At your service to do general repairing I and overbading on all kinds of Aubin Graves. Do Any of These Replies Belong to You? Each month, for three consecutive issues, we will rrlnt. In these columns ureal.

ed-for replies to box number. Box No. of Number Replies 1 M-l T-l 3 -A-2 1 B-2 2 3 3 1 1 1 1 3 11 5 10 10 23 54 S3 3S 43 45 4T This- list simply represents later replies that the advertiser didn't call for. If tner are uncalled for by June SO. they will be destroyed.

ANNOUNCEMENTS ANTED -ElderlV ladles hr.arii rith farmer. Permanent home for right parties. Mrs- Townsend, Box 19. Essex Junction. Vt.

Funeral Directors FUNERAL DIRECTION Courteous treatment and reasonable prices at Reld Ford's. 237 Main St. Lost And Found Ba5 Lost on Church St. Thursday afternoon, a small Chinese yellow bag Re-wrd: Mrs. E.

X. Fav. 231 College St GLASSES Lost, pair of Finder p'ease rail 1559. bone rimmed. Reward.

HANDBAG Black leather. lost between Wat-rbury and Moscow on Little River road, containing bank book and string praris. Kinder pleas return WaterviUe. Box 33. for reward.

to LOST On lower St. Paul cr South Union Finder phone 207-M. ruLMAW FEX-Ust on Unl- T- Fulton. Thompson Point, At. SIUMA PHI SISTER BADGE Ixist.

R-- ward. Telephone 8 Ga'ea. 301 SMALL GOLD WATCH Lost in Ma le owners Initials on back. Ftnd-r return to 117 No. Winooskl Ave.

f.r reward. $300 REWARD Paid for Information lea.fT ins- ro me location and return of straight eight, seven passenger. Packard touring car. Motor No. 204404 Vehicle No.

20414 This car was olive gray In color with black mod guards and running gear. Black and red strive around body and disk Firestone, tires. Contained two greenirh grey ribes and tara blue-brown robes, all with the name "SpauMing Bisbee" woven Into same. Car was stolen from private garage. Portland.

June 1924. Had been run about miles. Owner wants car and ne questions asked. Notify SpauMing Bisbee. 31 Forest Portland.

AUCTIONS ADMINISTRATOR SALE Of household goods at public auction Juno 23rd. 1 o'clock. 322 North Winocskt Burlington. Vt. AUTOMOBILES -4 utos A nd Truck For Sale 8 BUICK Six, seven pass: Oldsmobile Eight, sedan; Nash Six.

five Dort touring. to be sold Saturday afternoon at Var- mont Garage. St. Paul St. CADILLAC cylinder.

1 passenger touring in perfect condition. Also Buick 4 cylmder touring. Prices right. Aust'n Garage Co. CHEVROLET COUPE 1923.

lots of extras and registered, like new; 1923 Ford ton truck, stake body, closed cab. registered; 1923 Ford coupe, excellent condition; 1922 Dodge screen truck. Apple-yard Motor Co. COLE EIGHT Touring car: one Peerless coupe. H.

P. Prlndle. 131 St. Paul St. Burlington.

Vt. DODGE Touring, shock absorbers, good condition: Chevrolet 49 coupe, spring covers, extras: Studebaker sedan. 2.1o miles, like new. J. H.

Lockwood Com pany. Pnone FORD Half-ton body, also Ford truck, complete. Call 217-W. 234 North Winooskl Ave. William E.

Brown. dan: 1922 touring: 1919 roadster: 1918 touring. Ail In good mechanical condi tion. Trices reasonable. Terms if de sired.

Consolidated. 101 Main St. difion. Owner leaving town. Call 116 If2 North WIlTard.

FORD TOURING Two. In A No. 1 shape; Ford light delivery truck, choice of the three. $10O each. Jarvls Palace Garage.

Fhone fcO. HUDSON COACH 1923: Dodge touring, late 1922 model. Champlaln Motor Co. 10O Main St. Phone 1037.

OLDS 8 Pacemaker. In good condition, bara-aln If taken at once. BUICK 4 Touring. In good running con dition, good tires. STUDEBAKER SPECIAL SIX Coupe.

In perfect mechanical condition, tirea good. Two to choose from. New paint en both ears ONE TON Stake body truck, enclosed cab. pneumatic tires. In good running condition.

Brodle A Nlles. Inc. OVERLAND ROADSTER Good condition; for sale cheap or exchange for stock. Address Mrs. Alice Hall.

North Fsrrls- burg. Vt. ACKARD raCER Specially built to stand a high rate of speed, long. low. engine developee between 80 and 100 h.

p. Geared to roil along at 3 miles or to at 40 miles per hour, bucket seats. 2 spare tire Will be sold cheap, so com early. Jarvis Palace Garage. Phone reg 1 92.

IS passenger cross seat cheap. Henry Martin. Grand Isle. bus. i-aB-r par 1921 Cadillac -passenger Phaeton.

191 Cadillac 7-passenger Tearing. 1M Cadillac Coupe. 191 Cole 7 passenger Touring. 1923 Bulck Coupe: two to choose from. 1922 Baick 3-passenger ToariEg.

1923 Buick Roadster. 1921 Buick Coupe. 1917 Cole Sedan. Prices on the above cars are very attractive and if you are considering a used car call 20" for demonstration anil TiCices. Buriinetn Cadillac Co.

Phine 2Q0 WltLTS KNIGHT Setrea passenger tour-. ton. saw saint, wire wneeia, four nearly new cord tires, one spare i tamatl mliMK. Price wn 10O Beg care Free Prese. LARGEST Used car dealer In Vermont.

I guarantee the title all care I sen. 1 will either buy er aeii Can furnlsfc yoa most any lrt wish far repairing your car. At your service. Itiniker'a Oarage. Essex Jtwc-tfon.

Vt. Phone Garages To Let 13 GARAGE Separate space for one ear. Dr. Flandere. Tel.

24. titled 'Reimbursem*nt of our war debts to the United State, which we would credit with certain turns, however small they night be." At th end of 1922 there were 1.009 fur farms In Canada. I TJ their meanmsr as is pososoie. touring; 123 two-door se 1. .4 vtumoer or xne poune au phrases which hare Influenced the le-1 terminations of public policies have al- vn vn.T.iInecf- In addition, it has i v.

A jvieMa k. teflfORD COUPE 1B22 model, excellent con siMnAj-ir? rr i 3VrC3 r.i mr m.r i i r- 1 1 LABDAU JCJ ruAio i PASTRT COOK Wanftl, I good -r for I plantSi t5o dozen. 181 North Champlaln Attguat. running water. cltio isu.

jpB 68 Boarders wanted. Mrs. rient person. Parte Cafe. Dooiay.

1 fina Bleeping porch. Phone 2141-W. E. Abbttt. August, running water, electric lights, fine sleeping porch.

Fhone 2141-W. oeen inuubm dTSCUSSIOnS Ot cunstlLuiiiiiii snu lsai terms, of famous measures, of prom-1 Inent ouestions In our foreign relations, and of party historv; to trace the development of Important Issues over a Ions? periid: to describe the organization and work of the offices of the government. Xational. State and local; and to present brief biographies of leaders who have been Influential In formulating twblic policies and In suMin? public opinion. "Choice Rfcipes for Clever Cooks." by Lucy O.

Alien. Little. Brown CV-. publishers. Boston.

Mass. This book, by the director of the Boston School of Cookery. Is written for those who already know how to cook, who appreciate the best In food and flavor and who seek pew dishes for their menus. All the recipes have been; tested by constant use classes sni. 1 hafln ArlHt.4tll bv Allen or culled from students of school from various parts of the wt i nere that you will find a for the bridge party, luncheon or Sunday night eupper.

when yot wished to serve something "just a little different." There are 54 recipes for both elaborate and simple dishes. A special fea ture of this book is the emphasis placed on the fact that great expense is not necessary to rrrxl'Jce the best results. The book Is very completely illustrated throughout. "My Story That I Like Best Cosmopolitan Book Corporation. New Tork.

v- -v This book, published solely ior reaa- efsj or tne iP5mup'iu -tains storr by Edna Ferber. Irvin S. Cobb. Tefer B. Kyne.

James Oliver Cur-wood. Meredith Xlcholson. H- Wlt-wer with an introduction by th editor of the magazine. The story in preceded in each case by an article by the author, explaining why he selected the story and a general description of bis technique. The book is extremely interesting and contains soma excellent tales.

PARIS. Jnne General TaufTlieb, senator from Ai'e. b-Tfeves France should hasten settlement of her debt to America. Writing In 'Information today, he declares: -Instead of persisting in our equivocal attitude debtor hardly In a hurry to settle their scores, we should without delay engage In pourparler for payment. Our willingness to pay should manifest Itself in tangible fashion, by starting an ac-' eaunt ta our budget, for example, cn- i I niS-m Cap Wants to See Some Action proeet.d ceor. By EDWTNA1 ALU iQU HIM DO 1 4 TALK! fFE WE GONN TJUV A vrrCl VrlU- OHN-rrM MV LrNNp'. HOW Lh v.wJrk -fr house: when ABE shoulo novj vjEVA- aMEN gompjp buy iTHi SVJ-EAA. T3EEM tfcy1 3CHJT if LONG, I W-lON-T TMDIbJ- V. rV! YOU rSlN'T OONKJAS MOVE! VCXJ rMWV DO NAWTHIM1 VCXJ ONlV HINH vn rvttT.

The Burlington Free Press from Burlington, Vermont (2024)


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Name: Virgilio Hermann JD

Birthday: 1997-12-21

Address: 6946 Schoen Cove, Sipesshire, MO 55944

Phone: +3763365785260

Job: Accounting Engineer

Hobby: Web surfing, Rafting, Dowsing, Stand-up comedy, Ghost hunting, Swimming, Amateur radio

Introduction: My name is Virgilio Hermann JD, I am a fine, gifted, beautiful, encouraging, kind, talented, zealous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.